outlander, television

Outlander Season 3- “Voyager” Hopes

This post had been up before, almost a year ago, but it seems like there are a lot of people here for a visit today! Let’s bring this oldie but goodie back for a final chat before season 3 begins!

Spoilers to the Max!

Caution: This contains Outlander season 3/Voyager Spoilers! Read no further if you haven’t read the the third Outlander series book!


Now that you’ve been warned, are you ready to talk about Voyager and what might come in season three of Outlander on Starz?


We give the show a lot of love, but thought it might be time to talk about the books this week on Outlander Saturday! Since Sarah hasn’t read past book two, I’m here to chat it up with you about my favorite parts in Voyager and what I’m looking forward to seeing in season three on television.

A final reminder, if you hate spoilers, don’t read any further.

♥Jamie’s return to Lallybroch


It’s going to be sad, seeing Jamie wounded and hiding in Dun Bonnet’s Cave for so many years with only a few books to keep him company. As you probably read on our Legends of Outlander post, there was a real-live man named James Fraser who hid in a care and was nicknamed Dun Bonnet by the cap he wore. Nice connection, Diana!I love seeing history come to life and see how things connect. Something I’m not too thrilled about seeing it when little Fergus get’s caught up in the traitor madness and looses his crafty little hand. I assume more than one tear shall be shed for our tiny adopted Fraser.

♥Friends Foreverrrrr


Y’all know that this relationship is one for the ages. I’m not saying it’s romantic, you know Jamie only has eternal eyes for Claire, but his friendship with Lord John Grey is going to be one of the cornerstones for the series, moving forward. Without Lord John Grey, Jamie’s time in prison, and his later reunion with his biological son, might never be possible. Although, it looks like they’re setting it up to be more romantic in the show than it was in the books, something I’m not really into, as I think their complicated friendship in the series was compelling and deep. I almost feel like making it sound like a torrid love affair, like in some other blog posts and news stories, cheapens their dynamic relationship. If only the show series could do a chapter an episode!

♥Meeting Geneva


This is going to be tough for all those who love Claire and Jamie. I’m going to be honest, I think Geneva is a grade A asshole. Blackmailing Jamie into sex was a low blow and the man’s life has been tough enough. I know I’ll have a rage stroke when she throws out the “bang me or I’ll scream rape” card. At least Jamie can see some joy in the terrible union by his son William grow for a few years. But seeing as how happy he was knowing Claire was pregnant when she left, It’ll be tough seeing him watch his child from afar.

♥Baby Jamie


Jamie and his interactions with his secret son is going to be interesting. Their sweet doings takes up a good chunk of book, and for good reason. We all read, and saw, how into being a father Jamie was when Claire was pregnant with Faith and how important it was for Claire to go back to Frank for the safety of their unborn child. It’s going to be bittersweet to see how young Willie sees a father figure in Jamie and Jamie longs to be close to a child he never thought he’d have, after Claire’s leaving. Their bond in the books might be hard to portray on screen, but Starz has done an awesome job, so far.

♥The Highlight of the Year


I know for a damn fact that I’m not the only person who ugly cried when Claire went through the stones and later learned that Jamie was alive all along. While I understand that she needed to go for her own safety, it’s like she’s still twenty years too late to their reunion. I’m already preparing myself for the Kim Kardashian-like sobs when she finally sees him in the print shop. I’m also dying to see how well Jamie aged. I’m guessing it’s like a fine, beautifully kilted, wine… although he’ll be unkilted for a lot of the season, and not always in the fun way. The fact that we’ll probably have to wait a few episodes for this glorious meeting adds a certain level of delicious suspense. At least it’ll be a smoother journey for Claire, as Roger and Bree help her get the cash and clothes necessary for a successful jaunt through time. Speaking of Roger and Bree, watching them say goodbye to Claire will be another depressing sight. But, hey, Claire did right by her kid and her promise to Jamie, so she deserves to have some Highlander goodness up in her petticoats.

♥The Scorned Second Wife


Dis Bitch is right. Ya’ll probably know that I feel Laoghaire is a dirty home wrecking hussy and no one deserves to get lumpy and gross in their old age more than her…well, except for Black Jack Randall… not that he lives long enough for that. Well, anyways, her coming out of the woodwork again to claim Jamie as her rightful husband is something I’m looking forward too. Like, I get how she saw Jamie as the one that got away but, damn girl, have some self respect! I wouldn’t tie myself for a man who was constantly wishing I was someone else, no matter how hot he was. BTW I’m all sour grapes on how Jenny lashes out at Claire and rats to Loaghaire, even thought Claire told her the potato-planting key to Lallybroch’s survival. I hope Loaghaire’s gun-toting dramatics are just as wild on the screen as they are on the page.

♥High Seas Misadventure


Poor Jamie can’t catch a break. He, along with Claire and Marsali, go to rescue Ian and he’s stuck vomiting with seasickness while Claire is basically kidnapped by the Porpoise, because the ocean has never been kind to Jamie. Like, universe, give the man a break! All he wants is to live the quiet life and plant some crops and make sweet love to his new found wife, not be held captive and taken towards prison. At least he’s conveniently shipwrecked near Claire. Small victories. I’m curious to see how this will play out since, in the book, their oceanic struggles is a large chunk of action.

♥The Return of Geillis


Gonna be real, I’m pumped for the return of Geillis. I know she’s a murderer, adulteress, and all around baddie, but I’m really excited to see her return in all her crazy glory. You have to admire her vicious tenacity and the way she unraveled thousands of years of legends and myths to learn about time travel. Sure, she could have gone around without human sacrifices, but I admire a bitch with flair. I mean, if she had really been killed before having her son, a certain green-eyed man wouldn’t be able to grace us with his presence! So, sacrifice away, you gloriously creepy time traveler, you!


Yeah, I know this isn’t every tasty morsel of Voyager goodness, only some of my personal favs. Tell me in the comments, what are you most excited for in season three? And for more Outlander fun, visit our Outlander Page HERE!

And if you love my Outlander articles, you’ll love my historical romance series that’s set in Victorian Scotland and England. It delves into the complicated world of the Scottish highlands as they reestablish themselves and the clan systems along with a heavy dose of romance. Book one, Queen of Emeralds, is available HERE while book two, The Amethyst Bride is available HERE!

And if you love fandom jewelry, head over to this new Etsy shop HERE for some great Outlander goodies! Use the special code MIDNIGHT15 for 15% off your order!

Excerpt, outlander, television

Oh, The Places Claire’ll Go!

If you haven’t read Voyager or have any issue with spoilers in Dr. Seuss form, don’t read any further! Unless you want a chance to win a WeeBox (a subscription box from Scotland) then just scroll down very fast until you see a picture of a purple box!


You’ve found some old papers!
You shall go through the stone.
You’re off to to find Jamie! But you must go alone!


You have old coins in your pocket.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer through time
any direction you choose.
You’ve said ‘goodbye’ to Brianna. And all that you know. Now YOU are the lass who’ll decide where to go.

In Edinburgh you’ll look up and down streets. Look ‘em over with care. About some you will say, “I don’t choose to go there.”
With your head full of brains and your shoes full of feet, you’re too smart to go down any not-so-good street.


And when the printshop decides to go and burn down.
In that case, of course,
you’ll head straight out of town.

It’ll be safer there
in the wide open air                                                                                                                    where if your name’s not ‘Malcom’ no one will care!

Out there things can happen and frequently do
to people who have come
through the stones just like you.


And when things start to happen, don’t worry. Don’t stew.
Just go right along,
to Selkie Island with you!


You’ll be on your way up! You’ll be seeing great sights! You’ll join the booze smugglers who who print pages at night.

You won’t lag behind, because you’ll have the speed.

You’ll pass the whole clan and you’ll soon take the lead.                                             Wherever you sail, you’ll be best of the best
Wherever you go, you will heal all the rest.

Except when you don’t. Because, sometimes, you won’t. Because sometimes the sailboats just won’t stay afloat.


I’m sorry to say so but, sadly, it’s true that kidnaps
and redcoats can happen to you.

You can get all hung up on the Porpoise’s bow.
And the Artemis will sail on. You’ll be left…just for now.

You’ll come down from the ship, after jumping off the deck.
And the chances are, then,
that you’ll be shipwrecked.

And when you’re in a shipwreck, you’re not in for much fun. Un-shipwrecking yourself
is not easily done.

You will come to a place where the streets are not marked. Some windows are lighted. But mostly they’re darked.
A place called Rose Hall where you might find your kin!
Do you dare to stay out? Do you dare to go in?

How much can you lose? How much can you win? When wee Ian is locked with the witch who loves sin.


and IF you go in, should you turn left or right…
or right-and-three-quarters? Or, maybe, not quite? Or go around back and sneak in from behind?
Simple it’s not, I’m  afraid you will find,
for a mind-maker-upper to make up his mind when Geillis is trying to travel through time.

You can get so confused
that you’ll start in to race
down long wiggled roads at a break-necking pace and grind on for miles across weirdish wild space, headed, I fear, toward a most useless place.

The Waiting Place…

…for people just waiting.
Waiting for a ship to go
or a redcoat to come, or a wife to go
or the war to come or the clans to go or the future to come, or the snow to snow or waiting around for a Yes or No
or waiting for their hair to grow. Everyone is just waiting.


Waiting for the Jacobites to fight
or waiting for wind to sail like flight
or waiting around for Samhain night
or waiting, perhaps, for their Uncle James or a some medicinal plants, or a list of clan names
or a string of pearls, or a pair of pants
or a wig with curls, or Another Chance. Everyone is just waiting.

That’s not for you!

Somehow you’ll escape
all that waiting and staying. You’ll find the bright places
where the land of brave will soon be free.

With banner flip-flapping,
once  more you’ll sail fast!
Ready for anything under the sky.
Ready because you’re that kind of a lass!

Oh, the places you’ll go! There is fun to be done!
There are witches to kill. There are wars to be won. And the magical things you can do through the stones
that will remind you of the future, where you find Geillis’s bones.
Sassenach! You’ll be famous as famous can be,
It’ll be like when you faked sorcery for Jamie to be free.


Except when you fail. Because, sometimes, you will.

I’m afraid that some times you’ll still have to kill. Just like in wartimes

when soldiers all fell, you’ll be in charge of bringing sick men back from hell.

All Alone!

Whether you like it or not, Alone will be something you’ll be quite a lot.

And when you’re alone, there’s a very good chance
you’ll meet things that scare you right out of your pants. There are some, down the road between hither and yon, that can scare you so much you won’t want to go on.

But on you will go
though the weather be foul.
On you will go
though your enemies prowl. On you will go
for there’s the two of you, now.


Onward up many
a frightening creek,
though your arms may get sore and your lies may grow weak.

On and on you will hike.
And I know you’ll hike far
and face up to your problems whatever they are.

You’ll get mixed up, of course,
as you already know.
You’ll get mixed up
with many strange birds as you go. So be sure when you step.

Step with care and great tact
and remember that Life’s
a Great Balancing Act.
Just never forget to be dexterous and deft.
And never mix up your right foot with your left.


And will you succeed?
Yes! You will, indeed!
(98 and 3⁄4 percent guaranteed.)



be your name Beuchamp or Fraser or Bray or Jesus Roosevelt Christ O’Shea, you’re off to Great Places!
Today is your day!

Fraser’s Ridge is waiting. So…get on your way!


Think that was a fun little post? Check out our other Outlander articles and quizzes HERE!

Also, we’ve partnered with our friends over at WeeBox for a special giveaway! If you can remember, we’ve done a review of their Scottish subscription box in the past and gave it our seal of approval (which you can read about HERE). Now, they’ve been nice enough to give us one secret WeeBox to give away to one of you! Want a surprise box of Scottish goodies, straight from Jamie’s homeland? Then click HERE to enter. Don’t worry, you don’t have to buy anything to enter! And if you want a guaranteed Outlander Season 3 WeeBox, you can order it HERE, but hurry! They’re going fast.


PS-if you like my Outlander posts, you’ll love my books! I have a Scottish historical romance series titled The Scottish Stone Series. Book one, Queen of Emeralds, is the thrilling tale of a British lady’s fight for freedom and the Scot who will either save or ruin her and you can get that HERE. The Amethyst Bride, book two which is available HERE, follows a woman’s life as she decides between the British gentleman who can offer her the world and the Scottish warrior who can offer her passion.


But if contemporary romances are more your thing, Sarah and I will deliver!


The Non-Disclosure Agreement is available HERE

Craving Bad is available HERE

Elton Hall Chronicles: First Semester is available HERE

Elton Hall Chronicles: Second Snowfall is available HERE


book review, history, outlander, television

Which Claire Are You?

We’ve given you many quizzes (that you can see by clicking HERE) but we haven’t given you this! Claire lives many lives, a WWII nurse, dutiful wife, feisty wife, Scottish lady, French court member, and so many more we won’t name because many of you lovely readers are still traveling though the books.

So pick some numbers and find out which of Claire’s lives you would live! Do you belong in high society France? As lady of Lallybroch? In the 1940s in post-war Europe? Or maybe in the season 3 location? (PS if you don’t know where the cast of characters go in season 3, this quiz will contain a teensy bit of spoilers)

Remember, take note of each number you choose and choose honestly!


1. Which of the above outfits would you wear for a first date?

  1. #1 since I expect to be wined and dined.
  2. #2 so I can have something comfortable for a night on the town.
  3. #3 since I’m a fan of functional fashion and want to be active on my date.
  4. #4 because I want to be cozy and cute.


2. It’s time to pack a bag and go on vacation! What luxurious place will you go?

  1. Florence, Italy. The food and architecture are to die for!
  2. New York City, USA. Shows, dancing, music…it has it all!
  3. A cruise around the Mediterranean. Lots to see and do!
  4. Switzerland. There’s culture and some killer mountains to tackle!


3. Which of these is your dream job?

  1. Fashion Designer
  2. Musician
  3. Some Kind of Scientist
  4. Animal Rescue Specialist


4. Time for a stiff drink!  Pick something that packs a punch.

  1. Champagne in a gold-rimmed glass
  2. Between the Sheets-a refreshing, citrus brandy and rum concoction
  3. A Pina Colata with fresh fruits
  4. Blue Blazer-a form of hot toddy that’s meant to be sipped

5. Now, how about a drink to hydrate after last night?

  1. Hot Chocolate is always tasty
  2. Just a soda, thanks
  3. Fruit juice would be nice
  4. Just a cup of tea, please


6. You’re shopping for a house, which one speaks to you?

  1. A lovely chateau with lots of character
  2. A perfect suburban home in a good school district
  3. A house on the water, complete with a dock
  4. A charming historic home with a garden


7. It’s raining out, so you pick out a book to read. Which do you choose?

  1. The Counte of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
  2. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
  3. Odyssey by Homer
  4. The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien


8. Which dog would you like to adopt?

  1. A fluffy spaniel
  2. A playful beagle
  3. A golden retriever
  4. A border collie


9. Pick an above pair of shoes for summer!

  1. #1. Those classic lace ones!
  2. #2. Those pretty blue pair!
  3. #3. The brown ones for daily wear!
  4. #4. The stitched set for adorable comfort!


10. What kind of flower would you most like to receive?

  1. Pale pink dog roses
  2. White gardenias
  3. Yellow Gorses
  4. Colorful hibiscus


11. Finally, pick the qualities you’d like in a man!

  1. A great sense of style and some cash to back it up!
  2. A stable fellow with a good job and a mind for family.
  3. A strong man who’s good with his hands.
  4. A love of adventure and great sense of direction.

All done! Now match up what numbers you got the most of with the key below. If you have a tie, I guess you get two live two lives!

Mostly #1s-You Belong in France


They don’t call it “French Kissing” for nothing! So pucker up and get your corset on for a French adventure that may involve more than a few assassination attempts.

Mostly #2s-You Belong in the 1940’s


With your timeless taste and fondness for the classics, you belong in the 1940s. Who doesn’t love those flowing dresses and the old school ways of courtship?

Mostly #3s-You Belong in Jamaica


Set sail for romance and warmer seas because you belong in Jamaica! Prepare for fancy parties, voodoo curses, and a long voyage. Hope you don’t get sea sick!

Mostly #4s-You Belong in Scotland


Turns out you’re a fan of the great outdoors and amazing accents! Much like Claire, you’re about to live a life full of kilts, whisky, and castles. Cheers to you!

Like this quiz? Head over to our Outlander Saturday page HERE for more!


PS-if you like my Outlander posts, you’ll love my books! I have a Scottish historical romance series titled The Scottish Stone Series. Book one, Queen of Emeralds, is the thrilling tale of a British lady’s fight for freedom and the Scot who will either save or ruin her and you can get that HERE. BTW it’s now on sale for 99cents!! The Amethyst Bride, book two which is available HERE, follows a woman’s life as she decides between the British gentleman who can offer her the world and the Scottish warrior who can offer her passion.

But if contemporary romances are more your thing, Sarah and I will deliver!


The Non-Disclosure Agreement is available HERE

Craving Bad is available HERE

Elton Hall Chronicles: First Semester is available HERE

Elton Hall Chronicles: Second Snowfall is available HERE

history, New Book, outlander, television

The Ultimate ‘Voyager’ Book Quiz

Droughtlander will end soon, so you know what that means! Time to prepare for season three! And what better way to do that than to brush up on your Voyager knowledge with a handy little quiz? Now, if you haven’t read Voyager, this WILL contain spoilers!!! So keep track of your answers and good luck!


Aaaaaaand begin!


1.What shocking thing did Fergus arrange for Ian to do in Edinburgh?

  • Lose his virginity to a prostitute
  • Kill a man who wronged Claire
  • Confess his love to the daughter of an English officer
  • Steal gold for his passage to the Caribbean


2.What did Geillis collect while living in Rose Hall and have displayed for her guests?

  • African fertility idols
  • Portraits of Scottish monarchs
  • African voodoo books
  • Maps of Scotland


3.What flower does Claire bring when she visits baby Faith’s grave?

  • A pink tulip
  • A white rose
  • A pink daffodils
  • A purple rose


4.What stone did Jamie swallow and later show to Lord John Grey?

  • A sapphire
  • A ruby
  • A diamond
  • An amethyst


5.Whose dress does Marsali borrow to get married in?

  • Claire’s
  • Arabella’s
  • Ermenegilda’s
  • Mamasita’s


6.What was Frank singing in the shower one morning when Claire was tending to baby Brianna?

  • God Save the Queen
  • I Vow to Thee, My Country
  • Rule, Britannia
  • Old Brigade


7.What animal does Jamie say in an ill omen during childbirth?

  • Ravens
  • Cats in the house
  • Crows
  • Snakes in the kitchen


8.What street did Claire and Brianna live on in Boston?

  • Furey Street
  • Lake Way
  • Calliday Lane
  • Ceder Street


9.What was the name of Mr. Willoughby’s trained bird?

  • Li Wei
  • Ping An
  • Wang Li
  • Min Ping


10.What gift did Jamie give Claire to replace her pearl necklace?

  • A black coral fish pendent
  • A ruby on a black satin ribbon
  • A set of pearl drop earrings
  • A golden swan necklace


11.What Wizard of Oz character did Claire say Jamie resembled?

  • The Wizard
  • The Tin Man
  • The Scarecrow
  • The Lion


12.What does Ishmael say Scotsman sound like when they talk?

  • River water beating against rocks
  • Fighting dogs
  • Drunk Englishmen
  • Loud jungle birds


13.Who helped carry Jamie off the field at Culloden?

  • Ewan Cameron and Iain MacKinnon
  • Lord Melton and a British soldier
  • Hammish MacGregor and John MacTavish
  • He doesn’t know because he is unconscious


14.What happened to Reverend Archibald Campbell’s sister Margaret Campbell in Jamaica?

  • She was raped and left for dead by the British
  • She died of Typhus she caught from Geillis’s slaves
  • She left with the slaves when Rose Hall burned
  • She was taken back to Scotland by her brother


15.How many Boutons has Mother Hildegarde owned in her lifetime?

  • One
  • Sixteen
  • Fifteen
  • Three


16What wild animal did Ishmael and some other men save Claire from near the end of the book?

  • A crocodile
  • A boar
  • A Boa Constrictor
  • A Poisonous Sea Urchin


17.What does Claire say kills lice?

  • Washing your hair in vinegar
  • A sprinkle of fresh ginger
  • Soaking your scalp in sea water
  • Dried sea bird dropping mixed with rum


18.What was Jared’s plantation home in Jamaica Called?

  • The Sugar Bay Estate
  • The Sunset House
  • Blue Mountain House
  • The Sugar Cane Inn


19.Who told Claire that Jamie had a son, Willie?

  • Lord John
  • Laoghaire
  • Mr. Willoughby
  • Captain Jacobs


20.What did Mrs. Abernathy take from Jamie when he and Claire met her the first time?

  • A lock of his hair
  • A Picture of Brianna
  • A bag of Jacobite gold
  • A strip of bloodied plaid

That’s it! The quiz is over and all answers are FINAL! So check your answers with the answer key below and see how well you know Voyager.


1.Lose his Virginity 2. Fertility Idols 3. Pink Tulip 4. Sapphire 5. Ermenegilda’s

6. Rule Britannia 7. Ravens 8. Furey 9. Ping An 10. Black Coral Fish

11. The Cowardly Lion 12. Fighting Dogs 13. Ewan Cameron and Iain MacKinnon 14. Left with the slaves 15. Sixteen

16. Crocodile 17. Vinegar 18. The Blue Mountain House 19. Lord John 20. A Picture of Brianna

0-5 Right Answers


Well…it might be time to read Voyager again before season 3 comes out! But don’t worry, taking another trip with Jamie and Claire is hardly a punishment.

6-13 Right Answers


Someone’s been keeping up with the books! You’re doing really well at the little details and Jamie would be verra proud.

14-20 Right Answers


Wow! Either you’ve recently read Voyager or your Diana herself! Wait…DG, is that you??

That’s all for this installment of Outlander Saturday. We hope you’ve enjoyed this quiz and remember you can take the rest of our quizzes and read the rest of our Outlandish articles HERE!

And if you enjoy my posts, maybe you’ll enjoy my books. My historical romances, The Scottish Stone Series, is in full swing and ties history facts with the romance of the highlands. You can get Queen of Emeralds (book 1) HERE and The Amethyst Bride (book 2) HERE. But if contemporary is your fav, then check out my author page HERE to see all the fun!

outlander, television

Top Jamie Fraser Moments

With Father’s Day coming up, we thought it would be a good time to talk about Jamie Fraser…Okay, it’s always time to talk about Jamie Fraser. But I think it’s safe to say we would all like him to be our “daddy.” Bad Joke? Anyway! Let’s have some fun and talk about the glory that is Jamie Fraser and his top moments according to me…

Let’s start with the beginning.

sam beginning

We didn’t know him very well yet, but I really like this scene for a number of reasons. Jamie just fought with a hurt shoulder and his ruggedness became obvious. He set himself as a strong and masculine man, taking his woman and suggesting he’d throw her over his shoulder. But the difference between this and other people (Black Jack) is that he doesn’t get forceful with her. He doesn’t know who she is, or anything else about her, and this was not exactly the most chivalrous time period, especially with the redcoats after you. He wraps his plaid around her on the horse because he doesn’t want her to get cold and I think it is safe to say we all started falling in love with him then…that and we all saw his knees.

virginjamie and wedding

Jamie Fraser was a virgin. When was the last time you read or watched a virgin male character with this much sex appeal? The beautiful thing about Jamie Fraser is that he knows what he is doing. Who else was excited about the wedding night scene? But again, he isn’t a brute about it. Jamie is gentle with her, he goes slow, and he then rocks her world…well, then he gets her food. I like his priorities: sex and food.

jamie sex

How could we not include this moment? I love the passion between the two of them. After all, in Scotland, there isn’t exactly a motel or public bathroom on every corner. What’s a girl to do when your man has needs and that man is Jamie Fraser? Yes, we’re just looking at this moment because obviously, it is rudely interrupted, but let’s just pretend what happens next doesn’t happen.


Oh man! It does not get much better than your stallion of a husband rushing to save you from the crazy man. But we need to get into more detail to talk about why this scene is so amazing. He scaled a wall…but the gun isn’t loaded. Why does he do this? He’s a little crazy and a lot in love. In case your heart wasn’t beating fast enough for this man, just imagine how you’d thank him for such an act.


How could we talk about Jamie’s moments and not talk about the mill. Let’s appreciate a man who can get a little dirty and fix things when you need him to. This is a skill that excites me about all men. But then let’s add that he’s naked and hiding. The excitement is crazy and I know I wasn’t the only one panting a little bit. I’m just going to pretend the water isn’t cold.


I think it is pretty sage to say that this lady is one of the most hated in television/literature (I’d put her up there with Dolores Umbridge). But our feelings about her aside, this scene is so vital to the entire series, the entire story, everything. It shows his loyalty to Claire, his respect for her, and his amazing restraint. He turns her down! No one would know. No one is even around. But Jamie Fraser turns down easy and sexy for commitment and love.

red dress.jpg

I love the way that Jamie reacts to Claire in the red dress. He turns into the jealous beast and I kinda like it. We would all be lying if we didn’t appreciate it when our man get’s a little jealous. It makes us feel appreciated, beautiful and loved. But the important thing here is that he doesn’t force her upstairs to change, he doesn’t get upset when she insists this is the style. He could have thrown a fit or done anything else but this is one moment where Jamie shows how amazing he is. He lets his wild woman be who she is and appreciates her for it.


So let’s break out of the Claire and Jamie thing for a moment. His relationship with Fergus is such a nice one to watch and I decided to break my own rules and talk about them together as a whole. Yes, it’s true they aren’t technically related, but look at those matching curls! It got to the point where Jamie would have done anything for that kid and he would have done anything for Jamie. I loved watching their dynamic because Jamie owed him nothing and Fergus didn’t have to listen, but they formed a bond that started with respect and grew into love. If this doesn’t warm your heart, I don’t know what will.


Jamie took Claire back to the rocks when he realized she was pregnant and when he thought he was going to die. This is both amazing and heart wrenching. I cannot believe he was able to keep track of her “cycle.” I can’t even keep track of my own and they have apps for that. He cares so much about her and the baby that he is going to give them up. At the same time, he is fighting for what he believes in, his people, and his land.

Finally, the best Jamie moment will be when he comes back in September. It’s been a long droughtlander and we still have a lot of time left. So, let’s keep the party going. What are your favorite Jamie moments? Obviously I could not include them all.



Thank you for taking the time to stop by our blog and we hope you enjoy it. If you’re looking for other Outlander articles, quizzes, history lessons, or sexy pictures of Jamie and Claire, check out our Outlander page. It can be found by clicking HERE

Looking for something else to read? While I don’t write historical like Kelsey, I do write some steamy romance. My book, First Semester can be seen HERE. Book 2 is coming out at the end of this month so it’s your chance to enroll in the series that makes you wish you were back in college and your professor had a British accent.


Kelsey and I are also in a short story anthology called Craving Bad. It’s all about those bad boys. It can be seen HERE.

Craving Bad 1

If you want something else, then feel free to check out a list of some of our favorite books that we think other Outlander fans would enjoy. Click HERE

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Survivor: Outlander Edition

We all want to go back to find a Jamie Fraser of our own, but who would actually survive back in time? Take our little quiz to see if you have what it takes to live it up in the 1700s. Keep track of your answers!

BTW this is a spoiler-free post, so enjoy!


1. You know you’re going back in time and can take one bag with you. What’s inside?

  1. Water filtration tablets, a GPS, a change of underwear, the Outlander series, old coins, and a book of medicinal herbs
  2. A small notebook containing history facts, a spare petticoat, penicillin and syringes, photos from home, tampons, and deodorant.
  3. Hand sanitizer, maps from that era, a taser, a travel dictionary with phrases in other languages, a list of people you suspect to be time travelers, and your favorite candy.


2. You meet a dashing Scot on horseback as soon as you go through the stones. He reaches out to you and says he will take you to safety. What do you do?

  1. Hop aboard! A gal’s gotta have friends when she travels and he’s got a great set of legs!
  2. Interrogate him and demand he tell you where he’s taking you.
  3. Run away! He could be a murderer!


3. When you find a village to stay for a while, the local healer takes you under her wing. You hear whispers in the village that she’s a witch. What do you do?

  1. Ignore them. You’re learning a lot about how to survive and help people from your new friend!
  2. Cut off contact with her and stop by the local church, just so people see you praising the Lord.
  3. Warn her about the rumors then slowly distance yourself.


4. You meet a stranger who referenced the California Gold Rush and washes their hands before every meal. You think they might be a time traveler like you. What do you do?

  1. Immediately corner them and begin asking asking where they’re from, what time they left, and if they had to murder anyone to make time travel work.
  2. Make subtle references to gauge their reaction and go from there. Don’t want to rush into things.
  3. Say nothing. If they want to talk about time travel, they’ll come to you.


5. You get invited to the French court and meet the mistress of a powerful man who asks you to come to tea the next day. What do you do?

  1. Not go. She’s bad news and you can’t go mixing with her. It’s better to keep a low profile.
  2. Accept her invitation, but be polite and cautious. Just because she’s attached to a top dog doesn’t make her a safe friend.
  3. Go and bring gifts! She’s a popular lady and there’s no reason why you can’t hang out.


6. Something goes wrong in France and you need to get back to Scotland ASAP. There are three people who offer to escort you there. Who do you choose?

  1. The mistress! She’d have you traveling in style the whole way.
  2. The dashing man you met on your first day in the past. He’s not a murderer after all!
  3. Your healer friend. She’s on the run too and she knows how to hide.


7. When you get back in the country, old contacts give you a plot of land and a little cabin by the woods. But it needs a lot of work. Are you up for the task of farming and building?

  1. You’ll just hire some random man from the village to do all the work with some of the money you hid while returning to Scotland.
  2. Luckily, you know how to do all that stuff. Raising chickens and chopping wood is basically second nature.
  3. You don’t know how to rough it, so you try to make some friends in the village. Maybe some of them will teach you how to garden and make candles.


8. Trouble keeps finding you, as do British soldiers! Word gets out that you bathe regularly, heal the sick, used to hang out with a witch, and seemed to show up out of nowhere. The only way out of this mess is to play housewife for a bit by marrying. Who’s the lucky groom?

  1. A handsome hooded stranger who caught your eye in the local tavern.
  2. A local blacksmith who has a nice house and some respect around town since he regularly volunteers at the church.
  3. The laird of the land. If he can’t keep you safe, who can?


9. The daughter of your neighbor is ill. You recognize this as a common illness and know exactly how to fix it. But you also know that if you’re seen mixing a potion, you’ll be burned at the stake, since people are already suspicious of you. What do you do?

  1. Take a chance any brew it up. You’ll sacrifice yourself for the child.
  2. Mention what you think might cure her to your neighbor’s family. It’s up to them, now.
  3. Nothing. Child mortality rates were high back then anyway!


10. War is coming and your husband is off to fight with little chance to survive. What are you going to do?

  1. Pick up arms and fight by his side! Sure, you’ve never held a broadsword, but how hard can it be?
  2. Go back to the future. You dying won’t help anything.
  3. Hang out in the village near some stones and wait for news before making a decision.

All done! Let’s see how you did…

Mostly 1s


Nope, you’re not gonna make it! It may be dysentery, you might get burned for witchcraft, or you might end up being killed in a battle you accidentally stumbled upon. No matter what, you’d be a goner.

Mostly 2s


You will survive! You were made to live in the past, since you have book smarts, street smarts, and the good sense to be fully vaccinated before you hop through the stones.

Mostly 3s


There’s a chance for your survival! It’ll be tough, you’ll have some lean times, and a hot Scottish man might not come to your rescue, but you’ve still got a shot at life…once you get over the starvation, disease, and poverty. But don’t worry, you can always go back to the future!


Were you a fan of this quiz? Check out the rest of out Outlander Articles, quizzes, and fun HERE! And do you want free contemporary and historical romance novels? Maybe our book review team is right for you. Click HERE to find out how you can join the KisS review team!

BTW, I don’t just write Outlander articles, I also write books! Queen of Emeralds is a thrilling historical Scottish romance that takes you on a journey through London, deep into the Highlands, and into the arms of a laird. You can order it HERE! The Non-Disclosure Agreement shows what happens when a small town girl and a hot shot billionaire mix business and pleasure. This book is available HERE!


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The History Behind ‘Voyager’ pt2

You guys really liked my first History Behind Voyager post (that you can read HERE) so I thought I’d keep the Voyager party going with a new little installment. Now, if you’re strictly a show watcher, or haven’t read Voyager yet, then this post will contain some spoilers!

You have been warned. This is the spoiler zone. Happy reading!

Chinese Immigrants in Scotland

Yi Tien Cho, or Mr. Willoughby as we know him, has been quite the controversial figure recently, with some saying that he was akin to a racial caricature. But as with many characters in Diana Gabaldon’s books, there’s still a bit of history tucked away in Mr. Willoughby, regardless of his fondness for feet and training birds.

The British began their regular trading with China in the 1600s. While the increase of tea and silk imports helped the Chinese economy, it also kept the ships sailing in regular intervals. But, not every Chinese sailor went home. They settled around the docks, often sending for their wives and families once they raised enough money for their expensive passage. But the population didn’t explode overnight, it was more of a slow trickle with only a few dozen Chinese immigrants officially living in Great Britain in the early 1800s. That explains why old Mr. Willoughby was all by his lonesome in his new country…well that and he had been on the run!

Turtle Soup

Once on their transatlantic voyage, Claire gets her first taste of turtle soup, complete with a generous amount of sherry. While the dish was popular in Singapore and in the US due to a large snapping turtle population, the savory stew holds a special place in England’s history. It was considered the meal of England’s nobility, but it didn’t stop the common man from buying the meat at the local butcher shop or trying to catch their own in the local waters.

Historically, sailors would catch green sea turtles in the West Indies and keep them aboard ship for a constant supply of food. But by the 1750s, the mass hunting left the population a little skimpy, making it an even more sought after dish. Luckily, there was still a nice little population around Bermuda, giving sailors like Jamie and Claire the ability to catch some for the famous turtle soup. If you’re interested in getting a bowl, it’s not like it was in the olden days when it was readily available for a pretty penny in all the finest tea shops. But if you can find some turtle meat of your own, HERE is a recipe!

The Voyage


Claire and Jamie spent some time in ships cabins during their trip, but what were luxury accommodations on regular passenger ships really like? Well, if there were 8 foot ceilings and walls, as well as a straw stuffed mattress, it was considered basically 1st class. I mean, even the captains on most passenger ships only had a small room with the basics to call their own. Having a small writing desk was also something that only passengers with private quarters and some sway would obtain. But no matter the class you were in, you can bet your petticoats it was going to stink. With fresh water being carefully rationed for the journey, cleanliness took a backseat. The scent of unwashed bodies, vomit and other bodily fluids, and possibly living livestock would be pretty overwhelming.

BTW this is a replica crew cabin of a ship (1768-1771ish), but it’s close to the passenger quarters the common man would be in.

Meals were usually served in the common areas of each class, the food being directly brought up from the galley…unless you had to bring your own food for the journey as many boats stipulated. But for meals provided by the ship, there would be ale, salted meats, tack cakes, and fresh meats and vegetables in the beginning. And of course there would be turtle soup, if they could catch it.

Ship’s Doctor


No matter where Claire is, she’ll end up nursing a doctoring men and women from all walks of life. So it wasn’t a surprise when Claire had to crack open her medicine box aboard the ship. Historically, she would actually be much more qualified to be a ship doctor than most men, and it wasn’t just because she was a literal doctor from the future.


Unless they were working for the Royal Navy, the ship’s doctors rarely had any formal medical training at all. They usually learned their trade on the job from the older “surgeons” and learned how to generally keep the sailors and passengers alive. The most common things they would have to deal with was venereal disease, minor lacerations, and rope burn. There was also usually a dedicated sickbay on board that was well ventilated for the doctor’s use. The floor of this room would also be sprinkled with sand to keep people from slipping on the blood that would accumulate. Safety first!

British Fashion in Jam

Jamaica became a British colony in 1655 and the white population was bolstered by the English sending Irish and Scottish indentured servants or prisoners to the island. By the 1700s, the sugar plantations were in full swing and the money was flowing…to the British plantation owners at least.

Anyways, the climate in Jamaica was obviously vastly different than that in England. But the heat didn’t stop modesty or the use of fine imported fabrics. Silk and satin were still the fabrics of choice for well-bred ladies and gentlemen in the evening hours when dressing for dinner or attending a grand event, as well as a powdered wig. Usually, a touch of powder on the face and a beauty mark would complete the look. During the day, ladies would wear dresses of thin muslin in pale colors and carry umbrellas to ward off the sun.

In season 3, I expect to see very few kilts, plenty of old-school breeches, powdered wigs, men in heels, and the fabulous silk violet gown that Claire famously wears as Mrs. Malcolm! But overall, much of what we’ll see will be like a toned down version of the costumes from France, just a little less plaid.


The Maroons


The Maroons have a long history that goes back to the first slaves in the Americas. Basically, the Maroons are escaped slaves that built independent communities away from their past captors. The would try to form safe towns where they would maintain their heritage, plant crops, and try to stay alive. But it wasn’t easy, as they were constantly at risk of being forced off their lands, captured, or even killed,


In Jamaica, the Maroons were constantly at odds with the colonists that took over more and more land to plant crops, pushing the Maroons out of each small town they created. But the Maroons began to fight back and demanded lands for their own colonization. After the First Maroon Wars that ended around 1738, the British government granted them land and safety. So, surely that was the end of their oppression? Wrong.

The Maroons in Jamaica had to fight the British government several more times until finally gaining peace in the 1800s. Today, there are still 11 Maroon settlements that maintain their own cultures and identities that they managed to maintain since the 1730s. Their rich heritage was formed from combining all the different backgrounds of the escaped slaves. They formed their own religion, spirituality, and way of life. It’ll be interesting to see how the show brings their history to life!

Mayer Rothschild


We recognize this historical figure as Mayer Red-Shield, the coin peddler who connects the Duke of Sandringham with some Jacobite gold. The real Mayer is just as interesting, as his legacy created the famous Rothschild banking dynasty.


Born into a large, poor, Jewish family in Frankfurt, Mayer really had to work his way to the top of the banking world. He started as an apprentice and after a time, became a dealer of rare coins. He amassed such a collection, he gained the patronage of princes all over Europe. By the time his sons were of age, he had expanded his banking business into London and France where he invested in such things as textile production. The gangly boy with the bag of coins we meet in Voyager would grow up to build one of the most powerful financial dynasties in history.

That’s it for my mini history chat! For more Outlander fun, check out our Outlander page HERE! And if you like my articles, you’ll probably love my books!

Queen of Emeralds is a thrilling historical Scottish romance that takes you on a journey through London, deep into the Highlands, and into the arms of a laird. You can order it HERE! The Non-Disclosure Agreement shows what happens when a small town girl and a hot shot billionaire mix business and pleasure. This book is available HERE!

book review, outlander, television

How Well Do You Know Sam Heughan?

To celebrate the birthday of the man who brought Jamie Fraser to life, let’s put on our stalker pants and see how well you know Sam Heughan! Take note of your right answers! But no cheating! Stay off Wikipedia and Google!

tumblr_ojoxf7SWQi1tcc87zo1_400.gif1. Let’s start with an easy one, where in Scotland was Sam born?

  1. Bydekirk
  2. Balmaclellan
  3. Borgue
  4. Beattock


2. How many times did he audition for parts in Game of Thrones?

  1. 7
  2. 2
  3. 6
  4. 5


3. What movie genre does Sam like the best?

  1. Historical
  2. Action Thrillers
  3. Comedies
  4. Sci-fi



4. What kind of home did Sam grow up in?

  1. A split level in the suburbs
  2. A castle
  3. A stone house in a village
  4. An apartment building


5. For whom was Sam named for?

  1. Samwise Gamgee from The Lord of the Rings
  2. Sam Warner of Warner Bros Studios
  3. Samuel, the Biblical prophet
  4. Samuel Clemens, who wrote under the pen name ‘Mark Twain’


6. What superhero did Sam once play?

  1. Superman
  2. Aquaman
  3. Ironman
  4. Batman


7. What is Sam qualified to teach?

  1. Gaelic
  2. Fencing
  3. Horseback Riding
  4. Archery


8. How does Sam go the extra mile while playing Jamie?

  1. He doesn’t wear anything under his kilt
  2. He sleeps outside or in the stables during filming
  3. He doesn’t bathe
  4. He sews his own clothes with the costume director


9. What Outlander character has he said he would want to play if he wasn’t Jamie?

  1. Dougal Mackenzie
  2. Black Jack Randall
  3. Roger Wakefield
  4. Murtagh Fraser


10. What show is Sam’s favorite to binge watch?

  1. Ultimate Fighter
  2. Game of Thrones
  3. Doctor Who
  4. Ninja Warrior


11. Who is the only historical royal Sam has played on film?

  1. King John
  2. Alexander the Great
  3. Prince Hamlet
  4. Henry VIII


12. What actor does Sam Admire the most?

  • Ian McKellen
  • Sean Connery
  • Liam Neeson
  • Anthony Hopkins


13. What is Sam’s favorite American football team?

  • Browns
  • Patriots
  • Seahawks
  • Cowboys


14. What Shakespeare play does Sam want to eventually act in?

  • MacBeth
  • Hamlet
  • A Midsummer Night’s Dream
  • King Lear


15. What did Sam do when he first found out he got the part of Jamie Fraser?

  • Went to dinner with Diana Gabaldon
  • Immediately booked sword lessons
  • Went out to the pub with friends
  • Bought and read all the Outlander books


16. What characters were Sam’s two horses really named during filming?

  1. Beast and Aladdin
  2. Sleepy and Pinocchio
  3. Sebastian and Charming
  4. Prince and Willow


17. What was the name of the prince Sam played in the Hallmark Movie A Princess for Christmas?

  1. Ashton
  2. Aston
  3. Adam
  4. Alan


18. What is on Sam’s bucket list?

  1. To win a Nobel Prize for his charity work
  2. To become a master horseman
  3. To climb Mount Everest
  4. To get a college degree in Scottish history


19. Which survivalist does Sam admire?

  1. Bear Grylls
  2. Les Stroud
  3. David Canterbury
  4. Ray Mears


20. What is Sam’s best feature?

  1. His eyes
  2. His ripped bod
  3. His smile
  4. His kilted knees


Did you keep track of your answers? Good! Check yours with the facts and tally up your points. Each correct answer gets you one point!

  1. Balmaclellan
  2. 7 times! Good thing he didn’t get cast, or we might have a different Jamie!
  3. Sci-fi. He’s a huge fan!
  4. Kenmure Castle
  5. Samwise Gamgee – one of the best friends in literature
  6. Batman!
  7. Fencing! No surprise there.
  8. Nothing under kilt 😉
  9. Black Jack. Can you imagine?
  10. Ultimate fighter
  11. Alexander the Great
  12. Anthony Hopkins
  13. The Seahawks! He says he wants to see them play.
  14. MacBeth
  15. He had a pint at the pub
  16. Sleepy and Pinocchio
  17. Prince Ashton
  18. He wants to climb Mt. Everest
  19. Bear Grylls
  20. All of the above!

Tally up your points? Lets see how well you know Sam!


0-5 Points – You’re a true Outlander fan, but no Sam Stalker!


6-11 Points – Wow! Someone follows Sam on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and on set…


12-20 Points – You must be Sam, his mom, or maybe a cast member? Let us know!!

PS. Sam Heughan, if you read this, I pink promise I’m not a crazy person. Mostly.

Have fun? We have plenty of other Outlander themed posts, articles, and quizes HERE.

And if you like our articles, You’ll love our books! I have a historical romance set in Scotland, Queen of Emeralds, that follows the tale of a British heiress trying to escape a brutish man and the roguish Scottish laird who longs to save her (order it HERE). I also have a new contemporary romance available, The Non-Disclosure Agreement, that’s a sinfully steamy tale of an arrangement gone wrong (order it HERE). And the lovely Sarah Fischer has a college romance that will have you craving your university days. There’s sex, secrets, and a mysterious stranger that just won’t take ‘no’ for an answer (order it HERE).




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Outlandish Mixology

Are you gearing up for a Voyager party in September? A special viewing with you and your fellow Sassenachs? I know Season three of Outlander is a few months away, but planning a good party takes time! Maybe you just want to have a party to rewatch season 2? Either way, let’s take a look at some super easy drinks to spice up your party!

The Voyager


Get your guests in the mood with a Voyager inspired cocktail that mimics the deep blue of the sea. For this, all you need is cranberry juice, a lime, vodka, and blue curacao.

  • Directions:
    • In shaker (or two well fitting glasses) full of ice, pour in 1/4 cup of cranberry juice
    • Add 1 ounce of vodka
    • Then add 1 ounce of the blue curacao and a squeeze of lime
    • Give it a few shakes and pour into a glass

Claire’s Concoction


This is one Sarah thought of this one, which she says is a great representation of Claire: pretty, but packs a punch! It combines vodka (a great sterilizer), champagne (a French staple), and some natural garnishes. All you need is Raspberry Vodka, Champagne, one lime, and a few fresh berries.

  • Directions:
    • Fill a champagne flute halfway
    • Add a splash of vodka
    • Squeeze a small dash of lime into the glass
    • Finish off with a few of your berries for taste and looks

Seumas Ruadh (Red Jamie)


Here’s a drink that’s tall, red, and fills you with warmth…just like you’d want Jamie to do! It’s also super simple to put together, making it an easy fix for when you’re on the run from Redcoats. All you need is Aperol, any kind of rye whiskey, club soda, and ice. You can also garnish with fruit if you like, but it’s not necessary.

  • Directions:
    • Fill a glass with ice
    • Pour in 1 and 1/2 ounces of the Aperol
    • Pour in 1 and 1/2 ounces of your whiskey
    • Add in a splash of the club soda to tie it all together

Black Jack’s Whip


This one’s not for the faint of heart, much like Black Jack’s whip. It seems unassuming, but packs quite a bite. For this sharp beverage, you need Yukon Jack honey whiskey and some lime juice, or a straight up lime. BTW, this combo is super strong, so make sure you know what you’re getting yourself, and your guests, into!

  • Directions:
    • Fill a small glass with the whiskey
    • Add a splash of lime juice, or squeeze in a liberal amount of fresh lime
    • Take a sip like a champ

The Emerald Eye


We all recall the vivid green of Geillis Duncan’s eyes. It’s a trait she’s passed on through the ages and Claire can recall as soon as her name is mentioned. Why not pay homage to the woman we all love to hate with this little mixture made of champagne, sour apple schnapps, triple sec, and vanilla vodka? BTW this recipe serves 4!

  • Directions:
    • In a shaker with ice, pour 2 ounces of schnapps
    • Add 1 ounce of vanilla vodka
    • Pour in 3/4 ounces of triple sec
    • In your glasses, fill them about 3/4 the way with the champagne
    • Finally, pour the green mixture evenly into your 4 glasses of champagne and enjoy!

Black Jack’s Embrace


Here’s another Black Jack beverage to send chills down your spine. It’s not as strong as the other, as it’s more of a lavender martini, which you know is Jonathan Randall’s signature scent. For this, you’ll need a shaker (or two well fitting cups would do), ice, lavender syrup, vanilla vodka, and a sprig of fresh lavender or mint to spruce up your glass.

  • Directions:
    • Fill your shaker with ice
    • Add about 1 and 1/2 ounces of the vodka to the shaker
    • Then you pour in about 1/4 ounce of the lavender syrup, but you might want more to taste
    • Shake like there’s no tomorrow and pout into a martini glass. You can strain the ice, or not, and add your little garnish

The Bee’s Secret


This is a sweet little beverage that will have you pining for the next book in the Outlander series. The white rum, honey, and milk mixture might sound strange, but it’s the perfect sipping beverage. You can also add a sprinkling of chocolate on top for an extra sweet treat.

  • Directions:
    • Fill a shaker with ice
    • Add 2 ounces of white rum
    • Pour in 1teaspoon of milk
    • And add 1 teaspoon of honey
    • Shake it up and pour it into a glass! You can choose to strain the ice, or not, and add your shaved chocolate if you wish.

La Dame Blanche


This unassuming little drink looks innocent, but is much stronger than it appears. All you need for this simple potion is vodka, lemon juice, sugar, and lemongrass syrup.

  • Directions:
    • Ready a small dish with granulated sugar and rim your cup with lemon juice to make it sticky before dipping the rim in the sugar (like the picture above)
    • In a separate glass, combine 1 and 1/2 ounces of vodka, 1/4 ounce lemongrass syrup, and 1/3 ounce lemon juice (or more to taste), and stir
    • Gently pour the concoction in your rimmed glass and enjoy! BTW, I suggest adding a few ice cubes to your rimmed glass to keep things nice and cold.

Murtagh’s Mix


As we know, Murtagh’s grandmother was Irish. Add in the fact that Murtagh’s constant presence was like a warm embrace from an old friend, let’s take a little twist on the classic Irish coffee as an ode to Murtagh. For this, you just need fresh coffee, whipped cream, nutmeg, some Scottish whiskey, cream (flavored if you’d like), white sugar, and brown sugar.

  • Directions:
    • Brew some dark roasted coffee of your choice
    • In a tall glass, pour in one ounce of whiskey
    • Add a tablespoon of white sugar
    • Add a teaspoon of brown sugar
    • When coffee is brewed, pour it into the glass
    • Add a measure of cream to taste
    • Top with whipped cream and a dash of nutmeg and brown sugar

A Furgus Refresher


This sweet and tart non-alcoholic drink is perfect for your underage guests. It’s cute, simple, and always a fan favorite. For this, you’re going to have to add grapefruit juice, lemon juice, limes, and Sprite (or other lemon/lime soda) to your shopping list. BTW, this recipe serves 4!

  • Directions:
    • In a pitcher of ice add 1 and 1/2 cups of grapefruit juice
    • Add 1/4 cup of lemon juice and a dash of lime
    • Gently pour in 4 cups of Sprite
    • Carefully stir and serve in fancy mocktail glasses. I think adding in a stick of rock candy would also be a fabulous garnish!

 The French King’s Kiss


Who can forget how King Louis offered Claire a lovely orange when she went to beg for Jamie’s life? And, even more, how quickly the whole ordeal was over? Let’s nod to that with an orange shot! You’ll need orange juice, Triple Sec, and vodka.

  • Directions:
    • Add 1ouce of OJ, Triple Sec, and vodka into a shaker
    • Give it three firm shakes
    • Pour into a shot glass and enjoy…very quickly and before it’s over

Master Raymond’s Poison


Nothing says “Master Raymond” quite like poisoning someone. Not saying you should kill anyone at your party (this isn’t a Game of Thrones wedding!), but adding a creepy drink for them to savor might just a nice touch. This simple recipe calls for black vodka and rosemary-lemon syrup (although you can choose any flavor you want).

  • Directions:
    • In a shaker full of ice, pour 4 ounces of vodka
    • Add  2 ounces of syrup
    • Shake the hell out of it and pour into a glass of your choice

That’s it for this week! Click HERE to read all our past Outlander posts!

BTW Sarah and I both have books out now, so if you like our posts, you’ll probably love our books! First Semester is a thrilling college romance that you can get HERE. Queen of Emeralds is a historic romance set in the highlands that you can get HERE.


harry potter, outlander, television

The Sorting Hat Goes to Scotland

Sarah and I aren’t just raving Sassenachs, we’re also “Potterheads”, as we grew up with Harry Potter and waited for our Hogwarts letters that never came. Sarah’s a Ravenclaw, as evident by her crazy work ethic and logical way of thought that she uses in her daily life. I mean, I’m an adult, but Sarah’s the adult I go to when I need an adult, if you catch my drift? Anyway, I’m a Slytherin because I look awesome in green and calculate my options before deciding what will best benefit myself and those I care about. So, we wondered what houses our favorite Outlander characters would belong in…

Geillis Duncan-Slythin

Is there anyone else who seems like more of a Slythin than Geillis? She loves potions, uses others for her own personal gain, and her eerie green eyes are certainly the Slytherin hue!


Bree Randall-Hufflepuff

“A Hufflepuff?” you may ask. “But Bree is so smart! Surely a Ravenclaw? Or A noble Gryffindor?” Nah, she’s a Hufflepuff. She’s loyal to those she loves, and will defend them fiercely…I mean look at how angry she was with her own mother when she found out her bio father wasn’t Frank. Also, if given a choice, she would probably pick whatever house Claire wasn’t in.


Roger Wakefield-Ravenclaw

Is there any doubt that Roger is a Ravenclaw? He’s intelligent, educated, and his musical prowess shows off his creative side. Also, couldn’t you see this mild mannered reverend’s son as a Prefect?


Master Raymond-Hufflepuff

Hufflepuffs don’t get enough love, but we think Master Raymond belongs with Hegla Hufflepuff. He’s kind, longs to help, and very loyal to those he cares about. And those herbology skills he has would certainly come in handy during his time at Hogwarts. But some think he might have a pinch of Slytherin in him, after all, his blood line is what keeps things going and he’s very sly, although it’s for a good cause. His pure motives put him in the Hufflepuff house!


Jamie Fraser-Gryffindor

Was this even a question? That bravery, that loyalty, that shock of red hair! He’s obviously a Gryffindor. Hell, is there anyone else who could give “The Boy Who Lived” a run for his wizard gold like “The Man Who Lived”? Jamie is an unstoppable force and old Voldemort would never stand a change.


Laoghaire Mackenzie

Hello, she tried to get a woman burned at the stake because she wanted Jamie Fraser all to herself! Although I think a lot of us wish we could be Jamie’s main squeeze, Laoghaire went overboard, showing her cunning and the way she will destroy anyone who opposes her. Also, she’d totally be made into a Prefect because she’s a kiss-ass to those in authority.


Claire Fraser-Ravenclaw

There’s no smarter woman in the 1700’s like Claire Fraser. She’s a plotter, a planner, and has the brains to potentially change history. Was there ever a question that she’s basically the new Rowena Ravenclaw?


Mary Hawkins-Hufflepuff

Darling Mary, the poor soul who only wanted happiness and love is just the kind of gentle soul who belongs in Hufflepuff. She’s shy and soft spoken, but when it comes to those she loves, Mary can bare a set of fangs that would make a Slytherin run for cover.


Black Jack Randall-Slytherin

You know this Grade A jerk would be the one who would open the Chamber of Secrets and don his Death Eater’s hood the moment he got the chance. I even bet he’d be the new Voldemort!


Dougal Mackenzie-Gryffindor

Yeah, old Dougal can be a bit of a jerk, but often it’s because he’s doing what’s right. He’s still a brave man who wants freedom for his country and the people he fights with. I mean, remember when he trotted out into Redcoat territory and Bonny Prince Charlie practically swooned at his bravery? That’s a Gryffindor for you.


Compt St. Germain-Slytherin

This slimy snake would sell out his own mother if it meant he could have a bit of power. You know he’d be in favor for the decimation of the muggle born wizards and probably mistreat his house elf. Total Slytherin.


Murtagh Fraser-Griffindor

Has there ever been a more loyal friend than Murtagh? He’s basically the Ron Weasley to Jamie Fraser’s Harry Potter. He’ll go to the ends of the earth for those he cares about and always keeps his promises. A true Griffindor that belongs on a Chocolate Frog card.



What do you think? Were all these sortings spot on, or do you have other houses you’d think they’d be better sorted to?  And what house are you in?

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And it’s not enough, Sarah and I both have books out now, so if you like our posts, you’ll probably love our books! First Semester is a thrilling college romance that you can get HERE. Queen of Emeralds is a historic romance set in the highlands that you can get HERE.