outlander, television

Outlander Season 3- “Voyager” Hopes

This post had been up before, almost a year ago, but it seems like there are a lot of people here for a visit today! Let’s bring this oldie but goodie back for a final chat before season 3 begins!

Spoilers to the Max!

Caution: This contains Outlander season 3/Voyager Spoilers! Read no further if you haven’t read the the third Outlander series book!


Now that you’ve been warned, are you ready to talk about Voyager and what might come in season three of Outlander on Starz?


We give the show a lot of love, but thought it might be time to talk about the books this week on Outlander Saturday! Since Sarah hasn’t read past book two, I’m here to chat it up with you about my favorite parts in Voyager and what I’m looking forward to seeing in season three on television.

A final reminder, if you hate spoilers, don’t read any further.

♥Jamie’s return to Lallybroch


It’s going to be sad, seeing Jamie wounded and hiding in Dun Bonnet’s Cave for so many years with only a few books to keep him company. As you probably read on our Legends of Outlander post, there was a real-live man named James Fraser who hid in a care and was nicknamed Dun Bonnet by the cap he wore. Nice connection, Diana!I love seeing history come to life and see how things connect. Something I’m not too thrilled about seeing it when little Fergus get’s caught up in the traitor madness and looses his crafty little hand. I assume more than one tear shall be shed for our tiny adopted Fraser.

♥Friends Foreverrrrr


Y’all know that this relationship is one for the ages. I’m not saying it’s romantic, you know Jamie only has eternal eyes for Claire, but his friendship with Lord John Grey is going to be one of the cornerstones for the series, moving forward. Without Lord John Grey, Jamie’s time in prison, and his later reunion with his biological son, might never be possible. Although, it looks like they’re setting it up to be more romantic in the show than it was in the books, something I’m not really into, as I think their complicated friendship in the series was compelling and deep. I almost feel like making it sound like a torrid love affair, like in some other blog posts and news stories, cheapens their dynamic relationship. If only the show series could do a chapter an episode!

♥Meeting Geneva


This is going to be tough for all those who love Claire and Jamie. I’m going to be honest, I think Geneva is a grade A asshole. Blackmailing Jamie into sex was a low blow and the man’s life has been tough enough. I know I’ll have a rage stroke when she throws out the “bang me or I’ll scream rape” card. At least Jamie can see some joy in the terrible union by his son William grow for a few years. But seeing as how happy he was knowing Claire was pregnant when she left, It’ll be tough seeing him watch his child from afar.

♥Baby Jamie


Jamie and his interactions with his secret son is going to be interesting. Their sweet doings takes up a good chunk of book, and for good reason. We all read, and saw, how into being a father Jamie was when Claire was pregnant with Faith and how important it was for Claire to go back to Frank for the safety of their unborn child. It’s going to be bittersweet to see how young Willie sees a father figure in Jamie and Jamie longs to be close to a child he never thought he’d have, after Claire’s leaving. Their bond in the books might be hard to portray on screen, but Starz has done an awesome job, so far.

♥The Highlight of the Year


I know for a damn fact that I’m not the only person who ugly cried when Claire went through the stones and later learned that Jamie was alive all along. While I understand that she needed to go for her own safety, it’s like she’s still twenty years too late to their reunion. I’m already preparing myself for the Kim Kardashian-like sobs when she finally sees him in the print shop. I’m also dying to see how well Jamie aged. I’m guessing it’s like a fine, beautifully kilted, wine… although he’ll be unkilted for a lot of the season, and not always in the fun way. The fact that we’ll probably have to wait a few episodes for this glorious meeting adds a certain level of delicious suspense. At least it’ll be a smoother journey for Claire, as Roger and Bree help her get the cash and clothes necessary for a successful jaunt through time. Speaking of Roger and Bree, watching them say goodbye to Claire will be another depressing sight. But, hey, Claire did right by her kid and her promise to Jamie, so she deserves to have some Highlander goodness up in her petticoats.

♥The Scorned Second Wife


Dis Bitch is right. Ya’ll probably know that I feel Laoghaire is a dirty home wrecking hussy and no one deserves to get lumpy and gross in their old age more than her…well, except for Black Jack Randall… not that he lives long enough for that. Well, anyways, her coming out of the woodwork again to claim Jamie as her rightful husband is something I’m looking forward too. Like, I get how she saw Jamie as the one that got away but, damn girl, have some self respect! I wouldn’t tie myself for a man who was constantly wishing I was someone else, no matter how hot he was. BTW I’m all sour grapes on how Jenny lashes out at Claire and rats to Loaghaire, even thought Claire told her the potato-planting key to Lallybroch’s survival. I hope Loaghaire’s gun-toting dramatics are just as wild on the screen as they are on the page.

♥High Seas Misadventure


Poor Jamie can’t catch a break. He, along with Claire and Marsali, go to rescue Ian and he’s stuck vomiting with seasickness while Claire is basically kidnapped by the Porpoise, because the ocean has never been kind to Jamie. Like, universe, give the man a break! All he wants is to live the quiet life and plant some crops and make sweet love to his new found wife, not be held captive and taken towards prison. At least he’s conveniently shipwrecked near Claire. Small victories. I’m curious to see how this will play out since, in the book, their oceanic struggles is a large chunk of action.

♥The Return of Geillis


Gonna be real, I’m pumped for the return of Geillis. I know she’s a murderer, adulteress, and all around baddie, but I’m really excited to see her return in all her crazy glory. You have to admire her vicious tenacity and the way she unraveled thousands of years of legends and myths to learn about time travel. Sure, she could have gone around without human sacrifices, but I admire a bitch with flair. I mean, if she had really been killed before having her son, a certain green-eyed man wouldn’t be able to grace us with his presence! So, sacrifice away, you gloriously creepy time traveler, you!


Yeah, I know this isn’t every tasty morsel of Voyager goodness, only some of my personal favs. Tell me in the comments, what are you most excited for in season three? And for more Outlander fun, visit our Outlander Page HERE!

And if you love my Outlander articles, you’ll love my historical romance series that’s set in Victorian Scotland and England. It delves into the complicated world of the Scottish highlands as they reestablish themselves and the clan systems along with a heavy dose of romance. Book one, Queen of Emeralds, is available HERE while book two, The Amethyst Bride is available HERE!

And if you love fandom jewelry, head over to this new Etsy shop HERE for some great Outlander goodies! Use the special code MIDNIGHT15 for 15% off your order!

book review

Which City Would You Star In?

There are so many different versions of Real Housewives that you could join, but you have to live in the area. So, before you find that mansion, brownstone, high rise apartment, or summer house, let’s figure out which city and cast fits your personality. Let’s start with the obvious…

1. You’re making an elaborate dinner, what are you making?

A. Cook? I don’t cook. I have a chef making a seven course meal

B. My grandmother’s pasta recipe with homemade noodles

C. I also don’t cook, but my chef is making upscale comfort food

D. My friend is a chef, he’s cooking for us at his restaurant

E. Crabs and lobster fresh from the water


2. You have a part time career, what do you do?

A. I’m a former actress. I’m still making money on appearances

B. I am an amazing event planner

C. I’m a former model, but now I do some singing

D. I have a huge and growing business. It’s definitely not part time

E.  I support my husband’s career and do charity work


3.  One of the girls in the season offended you, what did she do?

A. She accused me of drinking too much…as if

B. I heard she called me a stripper

C. She’s claiming I’m cheating on my husband

D. She stole the man I wanted

E. She didn’t come to my event


4. You’ve got a big trip coming up, where are you going?

A. Somewhere exotic with the best fashion vibes

B. The beach, but not “the shore”

C. We’re looking to get back to our roots

D. Summer houses. We don’t need to go far

E. Somewhere we can get on a boat. But we don’t jump off the boat into the water.


5. You’re planning your big birthday party, what do you want to do?

A. You throw a giant party in your lavish backyard and there is a dress code

B. You organize a trip to a winery or the casino for your girlfriends

C. You throw a giant party and have one of your music buddies perform

D. You rent out a venue in the city for a giant party and serve things from your business. What better way to celebrate than to self promote?

E. You find the most expensive venue in town and perform one of your secret talents


6. You’re getting ready for the reunion show, what are you most nervous to talk about?

A. Someone was going through medical problems, but they were being dramatic

B. Federal laws tend to make people nervous

C. The feud that will never end. She started it

D. I don’t want to listen to the girls talking about my man anymore

E. I am not jealous of that woman. She wants to be me


7. You’re thinking about a new catchphrase, what sounds good?

A. Money isn’t what’s important in this town, it’s who knows you

B. Family is everything, as long as they don’t manipulate you

C. I always play nice, you just might not play by my rules

D. If they can’t be happy for me, then they can’t be happy

E. You should always act with class, especially around a class act like me


atlanta 1

8. You’re looking forward to next season, how are you trying to reinvent yourself?

A. I’m clean, sober, and ready to party

B. Orange only looks good on my skin, not in my wardrobe

C. There’s a ring on my finger, whether you like it or not

D. I’m single and very ready to mingle…and find a new husband

E. I’ve got a new house and a new look on life



Mostly A’s

You belong with the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. You like elaborate mansions, but your life is about who knows you. If they aren’t talking about you, then you don’t exist. In this town, famous get’s you further than money. So get out there and make a name for yourself!


Mostly B’s

You belong with the Real Housewives of New Jersey. To you, family, food, and health matters most…but right behind that is a fancy lifestyle. Sure, some things have gone a little awry lately, but who doesn’t love a comeback? Here it’s the only place where mistakes make you even more popular.


Mostly C’s

You belong with the Real Housewives of Atlanta. Not only do you have the house to back it up, but you’ve got the skills. Whether you’re a model, singer, or you just have an amazing publicist, Atlanta is where you belong. So, time to sharpen those talents and find someone to fight with. After all, is it really an Atlanta season if there isn’t a giant feud?

atlanta 3

Mostly D’s

You belong with the Real Housewives of New York. Here, it’s all about reinvention once your man does you wrong. All these ladies, well most of them, have all been faced with the idea of starting, not just their lives, but their search for romance all over. So, grab your highest heels, your push up bra (your first alimony check can pay for your boobs), and a tough attitude and you’re ready to find a man in the city that never sleeps.

new york

Mostly E’s

You belong with the Real Housewives of Potomac and the Grand Dame herself. Nothing says class like Potomac. It’s all about how much money you have to give to charity, and how good you look doing it. Be careful though, there are rules for this town and they seem to be made up but the points do matter.


Obviously these aren’t all of the housewives, but that quiz would have just been too long. Andy would have to cut to a commercial break and there may be three parts to it. So tell me, where do you belong? I actually live right outside Potomac ,so I, by default, belong there. However, this quiz says I belong in Beverly Hills, so I may need to relocate. Any other Beverly Hills ladies? I may need to split rent with one of you. If not, maybe I can get a job at Sur until my Range Rover comes in.

About Me


I work hard during the day fighting the good fight one nosy background check at a time. But by night, I am transformed into the salacious romance writer of a college series called Elton Hall Chronicles. Earn extra credit with Violet. You may need to see the teacher after class. Explore the nearby firehouse with Annabelle. There may be a fireman ready to cool you down. Race the streets with Christie on the back of the bad boy’s motorcycle as she ditches Mr. Perfect. All three books are available now and the first two are on sale. So go back to school or experience college for the first time.

Amazon Link: Elton Hall Chronicles


Also, check out our other bravo links by clicking here!

cover reveal, Excerpt, New Book, Writing

Third Wheel

Today Sarah Fischer released Third Wheel, the final installment of her Elton Hall Chronicles, which follows the lives and choices of three college friends. In each book there’s love, desire, heartbreak, passion, and danger. But what Christie faces in Third Wheel is a new kind of danger that’s as thrilling as it is deadly.

Christie lives the solid traditional life at home with a working father, a house-keeping mother, and a set of strict southern rules that make up her world. She’s sheltered with her whole life set up before her…but it isn’t what she wants anymore. What Christie craves is freedom and the chance to live her own life before she settles down into her role of wife and mother.

Illegal street racer Shane is more than up to the task. Born into a Korean household where education and family values are held close, he understands Christie’s need to break free. A no-strings-attached relationship suits them both fine…until it doesn’t. And once Christie takes a walk on the wild side, she might find it hard to go back to her old self.

Third Wheel is available now for purchase in ebook form or paperback now HERE and is free to read for all kindle users. 

But that’s not all! The first two books in the series, First Semester and Second Snowfall are both on sale for a limited time. Get First Semester HERE and Second Snowfall HERE. Go back to school for a real education at Elton Hall University.


book review

Trying Sophie

Trying Sophie is the first in A Dublin Rugby Romance series by Rececca Norinne. Set in Ireland and featuring a cast of people with beautiful, traditional names, I was pretty hooked from the first page, which has a handily pronunciation guide. So let’s chat a bit about this newest read…


Heat Level:♥♥♥♥♥

Overall Rating: 6/6 Glass Slippers

Genre: Sports Romance

Declan O’Shaughnessy was known as a looker, a charismatic, athletic, Irish man since birth. And he knows it. So when he first meets American Sophie Fitzgerald, he’s not exactly keen on the “half-Irish”, bespectacled girl with frizzy hair. In fact, he’s downright nasty, as most children are when faced with something new. So when shy, bookworm Sophie leaves Ireland to go back to the US, she knows she’ll never forget cruel Declan O’Shaughnessy.

20 years later and Sophie is no longer the ugly duckling that was teased for her looks and her parent’s marital troubles. But when she has to to return to Ireland to take care of her elderly grandparents, she forced back into a place she gladly left behind, and the boy who made her short time there terrible. But Declan’s all grown up now and ready to make ammends.


Declan always held a candle for Sophie, and now that she’s turned into a beauty that’s a match only for her brains, his heart goes into overdrive. But when he was such a jerk to her in their youth, can he convince her that behind the tough, rugby playing, mask there’s a guy who only wants to treat her right? Not likely, but Declan’s no quitter.

This book was great, you guys. I sat by the pool and devoured it. Sophie is funny and saucy while Declan has that bad boy with a heart of gold thing that makes people melt. Our main girl can be a little trying at times, a little too on edge, but that’s what makes her more human and her interactions with him a little more meaningful. There needs to be a little messiness in a dirty romance. And this book is dirty. Not filthy in the erotica way, but let’s just say that Norinne can bring the heat. Overall, this was an enjoyable read that I could see many people diving into. 


New Book, New SHow, television

Gilmore Girls

We all know that Rory and Lorelai have taught us a lot. I think what makes this show amazing, isn’t just the lessons we learn from them,  but what we learn from the secondary characters. There are plenty of them so let’s talk about them.

Miss Patty- One of the beautiful things about her is her belief in love. She was married four times to three different men, and yet, she is alone now. Some people would be depressed, some would question the institution of marriage, and some would give up. However, Miss Patty celebrates love. She gets excited when Rory finds it and encourages, sometimes unprovoked, Lorelai to find it. As so much of this show is based off relationships, this hope is something we feel deep in our souls and to see it reflected on the screen is a constant reminder it is possible.

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Babette- How can we talk about Miss Patty without Babette? They are the dynamic duo. But I am here to talk about her real other half, Morey. I look at their relationship as a foil to Emily’s and Richard’s marriage. Both have been married forever and both are from a different generation than Rory and Lorelai. But when you see Morey and Babette, you see a very different relationship. Throughout the show, you see the consideration the two have for each other. Obviously, we don’t see them as much as the Gilmore’s, but I think it’s safe to say their relationship was a lot less intense. They seemed happy together and the perfect example that love and marriage can work when you find the right person. They accepted each other’s intricacies and loved the other more for them. I think it’s safe to say they’re relationship goals.

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Kirk- He was the child everyone had to parent. I would say people needed to raise him more than Rory. But he had an important role and I would say it’s to teach perseverance. He taught us more about starting over than anyone else could. I know one of the things that irritated everyone is that Rory seemed to give up on her journalism career and her wish to be a warzone corespondent. In contrast, there was Kirk. He tried everything to its fullest and if it didn’t work, he found something else to put his whole self into. Yes, Ooober was a disaster, but he tried everything and never lost faith that he would find his perfect niche. He got beaten down sometimes, but he always was able to find the positive in everything.

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Lane- Besides teaching us that dying your hair black is rebellious, she taught us that you have to be true to yourself. Lane, despite growing up in a strict Christian household, worshiped the gods of rock n roll. Why was this so important? Rory already grew up in an environment where she was encouraged to do whatever she wanted. Lorelai would support Rory in whatever she tried to do (except that whole thing with Dean when he was married). But the world isn’t like that. Moms aren’t like Lorelai so we needed the strict family dynamic to remind us that it is okay to hide cds in your floor board, and to follow your dreams, even if it goes against your family’s wishes.

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Sookie- I think that what makes Sookie so special is that she was passionate and weird, but also that she is the ultimate best friend. She loves Lorelai to no end and would do anything for her. Sookie is the best friend we all want to have. What makes her the perfect bff for Lorelai? It’s the weird. She is the perfect balance for Lorelai, who is generally the cool and exciting character we all love. Sookie, despite being pregnant, or a mother of small children, or busy, she always had time to listen to a crisis, to give advice, to provide a silly quip, or even to take her out for a girl’s night that turned into a regular movie night. At the end of the day, we all need a Sookie. Without her, Lorelai would be lost in the wild…

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Michel- I know what you’re thinking. If Sookie is the perfect bff, then what is Michel? Yes, he’s cranky, moody, over the top, and yet we still love him. So what does he teach us? He teaches us tolerance. There will always be someone in your life, in your circle of friends, in your office, or in your neighborhood who is a grumpy pants. But does that mean they’re a bad person? Does that mean you ignore them? No, they play a role too. Without Michel, I’d venture to say the inns would have been very different. He loved the girls with his whole heart and showed up to work every day. He hated people, something many of us understand, yet he worked with people every day. No one put on that fake smile better than him. People aren’t perfect and everyone can’t be a ray of sunshine. We need the grumps to complete the cycle. But man did he have a great sense of fashion.

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Jackson- The man behind the vegetables. Other than teaching us that four in four is a terrifying idea for the person who has to birth them, he showed us all that the third wheel is a thing and it’s something to be proud of. I think it’s safe to say that whenever Sookie, Lorelai, and Jackson did something together, Jackson was the third wheel. But he took it in stride. He loved Lorelai, and yes, sometimes he wanted her to butt out of his relationship, but he accepted her and accepted that she was important to his wife. He should be a reminder to men how important your girl’s best friend is and how she could literally shape your relationship. You should probably be nice to her, or at least make sure the zucchini you bring to the inn she manages is up to par.

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Mrs. Kim- How can we talk about Mrs. Kim if we talked about how great Lane’s individuality was? What we learned from Mrs. Kim is to be a savvy business owner. She was strict, tough, and provided a good product. Her store was open for years and always had beautiful fixtures in it. She was the original feminist in this show. Take that in for a second. Where was Mr. Kim? He wasn’t running the business. Mrs. Kim was and she did not let anyone push her around. Being a powerful business woman is a great thing for us to aspire to be. Yes, Patty did own her dance studio but she wasn’t nearly as ruthless.

Image result for mrs kim from gilmore girls

There are several other characters in this series. Obviously, we could talk about Taylor, and his insanity. But that insanity kept the town running smoothly and he usually had the best intentions. We could mention how Paris, though sometimes cruel but always brilliant, taught us the importance of loyalty. Or we could talk about all three of the top three guys and how they each taught us about love, life, and mistakes. So, instead of me saying it, you tell me. What did the other characters of Gilmore Girls teach you? What about them resonated with you or your life? I’m eager to hear your thoughts.

About Me


I am a background investigator by day, and a romance author by night. My college series, Elton Hall Chronicles is available for purchase on Amazon in ebook or paperback. They follow three best friends as they learn about love, friendship, and life during their first few semesters in college. Let’s just say Rory would definitely blush while reading them but Lorelai, Miss Patty, and Babette would eat them up.


First Semester- Amazon Link

Second Snowfall- Amazon Link

Third Wheel- Amazon Link

I also have a story in a “bad boy” romance anthology. Basically, a collection of all the guys you shouldn’t date but can’t help but love. It’s the collection for those of us that are “Team Jess.”


Craving Bad: Amazon Link

Thank you for stopping by to see my thoughts on the series. I’m still devastated it’s over and I see both sides that claim another Netflix series is a good and bad idea. In the meantime, I’ll still be talking about it. To see my other thoughts… check out these other Gilmore Girls Posts.

Gilmore Girl’s Review

Gilmore Girls Revival Video

Ultimate Fandom Gift Guide

book review

Dating Bender Book Review

I’m here today with The Dating Bender by Christina Julian. It’s a fun and liberating story that takes a look at society’s expectations for women (especially the ones with strict parents with family expectations) and gives it the middle finger!



Genre: Contemporary Romance

Heat: ♥♥♥♥♥

Overall Rating: 6/6 Glass Slippers

Samantha’s family is completely insane, strict, drunk, and hysterical all at the same time. After reading the beginning, it’s clear why she was desperate to marry and start her life. Obviously, this goes terribly wrong because I said the beginning. Things with her husband become…strained. I guess that’s a good way to put it. He is offered a job away from their home in Florida and takes it without discussing it with Samantha. Bad move, bro. However, it leaves Samantha in the perfect position to take the job that’s been offered to her across the country. Here is where we meet her boss, Babs. This woman…oh man. She is basically Samantha Jones and within five minutes we find her banging some young sexpot in the bathroom. Power to her. This is the story of how Samantha takes Babs’ advice and finds her own bathroom buddy, or maybe more than one.


This story started off a little slow for me but picked up steam quickly. The characters are fun, likable, and realistic. I think that was one of the things that I enjoyed most about this story. I have a large group of girlfriends and I felt like I was talking to them and hearing their stories. This book is written well, has enough humor to keep you smiling but not too much that the satire becomes cheesy and overdone. However, there are parts that may involve laughing out loud. In which case, roll your eyes at the people judging you because they haven’t experienced the world you’re living in.


cover reveal, Excerpt, New Book, Writing

Third Wheel

You’ve met Violet, went to class with Annabelle, but now it’s time to take a ride on the wild side with Christie in the third installment of the Elton Hall Chronicles by Sarah Fisher. Introducing Third Wheel, a thrilling romance novel that isn’t all rainbows and happy endings.

This must read book is part of the series, but can be read as a standalone novel, for those of you brave enough to get on the back of bad boy Shane’s motorcycle. A true Romeo and Juliet of a tale, Christie was raised by firm, Southern, Catholic parents who are gunning for her to marry well. Shane lives with one foot on the racetrack and the other in the world of his traditional Korean family. Together there’s magic, but is the love of the forbidden and the thrill of the unknown enough to keep them both satisfied?

Find out by preordering Third Wheel on Amazon HERE


But if you still want to see how Christie’s best friends Violet and Annabelle met their matches, there’s more than enough drama at Elton Hall University to keep you satisfied. First semester follows Violet’s exploration into all that her college has to offer, including her mysterious professor. You can order it now HERE. Second Snowfall is about Annabelle’s struggle to learn that when you play with fire, you’re going to get burned. Order it HERE and see what sparked the flame.

history, outlander

Scottish Sorcery

Scotland has had some problems with witchcraft for years! All those pesky sorceresses have been poisoning the wells, killing off the livestock, and spreading the plague since the beginning of time! But when did witches and the devil’s brides really come to light in Scotland? When did the downfall of women like Geillis Duncan begin? Gather ’round, fellow Sassenachs and I’ll tell you the story of witchcraft in Scotland…and it doesn’t begin with ancient druids…


Picture it, Scotland, 1563. The crops are failing, the animals are sick, and the children are all being born weak. Things aren’t looking too good and they can’t figure out why. They’ve been to church, pay their taxes, and try to be good people. So, obviously, it must be the work of the devil. And the historic tools of the devil’s work? Wayward women, who are often swayed by promises of beauty, wealth, and the power sorcery can provide.   That gave birth to the Witchcraft Act of 1563, which was based on several others put into action in England. It made witchcraft and associating with witches a capital offense. Sound familiar?


There were a few witchcraft trials here and there in Scotland, but the North Berwick trials from 1590 to 1592 put them all to shame. They involved nobles, various countries, and 70 victims who were put to death…one such person was named…Geillis Duncan.


I know this might not be a shocker if you like to dabble in history, ever gave Geillis a google search, or read one of our previous Outlander posts about the real history mentioned in the books. But Geillis was a real, flesh and blood, woman whom the book character was based on. First, let’s talk about how these trials first started and then get into how Geillis got roped in.

The real trials began with King James of Scotland, who had been very nonchalant about earlier talks of witchcraft in Scotland. But rough sailing in 1589 changed all that. There were so many violent storms during his way to pickup his new wife Anne of Denmark, and on his way home, that he thought it would only be the work of witches. In his mind, no one else would dare mess up his blessed nuptials.


I mean, as anyone who has ever planned a wedding knows, it’s stressful enough without witches ruining your big day. And since James had the pleasure of seeing a few witch trials in Denmark and learning how their tried their witches, he knew he needed to clean up his country. So he dipped back to the Witchcraft Act of 1563 and pushed it to those in power, giving way to the North Berwick trials, which James couldn’t help but attend.

With the green light from the king, there were arrests left and right. The charges, beside overall sorcery, were things like poison, trying to sink the king’s ship, killing a neighbor, and overthrowing the monarchy with help from the devil. Getting someone arrested for witchcraft was as easy as a pointed finger and a bad word. Hmm…reminds me of someone…


Anyways, once someone in North Berwick was accused of dancing with the devil, the torture would begin. I’m not going to be graphic, but in evolved poking, pricking, beating, drawing, and many other violent ways where the victim would be basically forced to not only confess to witchcraft, but also name the other members in their “coven”. This created a domino effect that ended up with even more people being tried.

Geillis Duncan was nothing but a lowly maid in Tranent when she was arrested. Her employer accused her of having magical healing powers and generally sneaking around to do the devil’s bidding. What followed were weeks of torture, the finding of a so-called “Witches Mark”, and her naming more than 7 fellow witches, who were also tried and put to death by hanging.

Geillis Duncan’s confession

Then there were the Great Scottish Witch Hunts of 1597, 1628, 1649, and 1661. Each time, hundreds of accused witches would be arrested, tried for their supposed crimes, and then put to death. Torture was throughout, and the loose tongues brought on by hot pokers and pliers resulted in more “confessions” and accusations. In 1597 almost 400 people were put in trial throughout Scotland with around 200 being executed. In the last hunt, in 1661, nearly 700 people were tried in a 16 month period.

By the time of the last witch trial in 1727, between 4,000 and 6,000 people were tried with around 2,000 actually being executed. It declined mainly for two reasons, the first being that a larger portion of the population was getting educated. The second was when Scotland became a commonwealth to England in 1652, which largely took the power of the smaller Scottish courts…not that it really made much of a huge difference at first. The hysteria over witchcraft really came to an official end in 1763 when the British government repealed the original Witchcraft act of 1573, making the whole “death to witches” thing legally impossible. Good news, right, Claire?


Finally, what made someone a prime target to be tried as the devil’s mistress in those days? Certainly not just a rocking’ bod and a soul you’re willing to bargain for. A witches’ mark  was one of the first things the captors searched for. Now these weren’t all forms of birthmarks, but if there was a raised feature on your body like a mole, wart, or even ac actual third nipple, they would claim it was the teat from which you fed your familiar, the personal helper of the accused. Usually, these perfectly normal marks would be pricked to check for bleeding, since everyone knows that black cats and crows only drink blood.

And not just birthmarks were in the spotlight, your ability to say certain prayers would be tested as well as your ability to handle holy items like crucifixes and the sacraments. They would also take a look at your livestock. If you had a shifty looking rooster or an owl roosted in the barn that couldn’t say The Lord’s Prayer, they were probably in league with the devil, thus helping you in your evil schemes. And if you had the misfortune to have a spouse die? Obviously that would be a sign that you’ve killed them off. And finally, after all the torture and seeing if you died when thrown in a river or hung from a tree, they would ask again the most important question…



That’s all for this week! I hope you liked reading a bit more about the witch trials in Scotland and you come back soon to see what else we have cooking for season three. If you want to read our other posts, or even take our Outlander witch quiz, click HERE!


And did you see our product review this morning? This great shop Fangirl Pixie Jar is selling Outlander, and other fandom, necklaces for only $12.35 and that’s without the 15% discount that comes only from us! To see more, click HERE!


My blog partner Sarah’s latest book just came out and it’s my fav of her college romance series. So if you like steamy stories, bad boys with hearts of gold, street racing, true love, and some action, click HERE to preorder Third Wheel now!

Finally, I personally have two romance novels out that are set in Scotland! The third book will be out soon, but the first two are all set for your reading pleasure. Queen of Emeralds is available HERE and The Amethyst Bride can be picked up HERE!


New Book, outlander, Product Review, review, television

Fangirl Pixie Jar

We’ve both been so busy lately, we haven’t had the chance to introduce you all to any new shops to try! So we’re very pleased to start again with a fun little shop called Fangirl Pixie Jar. It’s run by the lovely Mireille, who specializes in fandom and book themed jewelry that encompasses such books like The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and The Lunar Chronicles. But if none of those tickles your fancy, don’t worry because she also does custom work! And, of course, she has our fav…Outlander! To get ready for season three, she’s sent us both a surprise necklace. Now let’s take a closer look!

♥Kelsey’s Thoughts♥

So the necklace I was lucky enough to receive says one of my favorite phrases, ‘Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ’! We all know and love it as Claire Fraser’s go-to saying in times of excitement, confusion, or frustration. Some fans have even taken to saying it themselves! But it’s not an obvious, flashing beacon to everyone, but a lesser known one that’s almost like a secret message to let other fans know that I love Outlander. But that’s perfect for me, as I’m not one to go over the top with my obsessions…usually.

The necklace itself if beautifully made with a great filigree frame that really brings in the feel of 18th century Scotland. The script used is also fun and the watercolor dragonfly is a delicate and pretty nod to Dragonfly in Amber. With a strong, adjustable chain, light metal body, and streamline design, it’s great for everyday wear for those of us who want to show off our fav fandom without being over the top. Really, the chain being so sturdy is important, as I have a toddler who’s always stealing my jewelry or playing with them while they’re still around my neck!

At $12.35, this necklace is a total steal! Really, I expected it to be so much more in the shop, or at least cheaply made for the great price, but I was so wrong. This necklace is an amazing deal and you can get one for yourself, your BFF, your mom, your neighbor, and your book club buddy without breaking the bank. You can order yours HERE in time for the season three premier!

♥Sarah’s Thoughts♥

My necklace says ‘Sassenach’, the more well known phrase that makes us all swoon when said by a certain red-headed Scot! The pendent is really fancy and sturdy, but not heavy at all. I wore it all day today with no irritation, which is important if you have sensitive skin like me. Although, as you can see below, I was wearing a high-necked shirt. The chain is adjustable so you can change the length, which I totally love. It fits Outlander perfectly, as it’s solid but feminine, just like Claire!

The picture within the pendent is centered perfectly and appears very delicate with the floral border around the words. I also like the fancy script and the fact that it looks handwritten. The only thing that could make this piece better, not that it really needs anything, is if the flowers came in purple like the Scottish heather we see within the series. But the multi-colored flowers are also fun and whimsical.

This necklace is also only $12.35, can you believe it! For how well it’s made, I also wouldn’t guess it has such a great price. You can order your own HERE! While you’re at it, get Kelsey’s necklace for a friend. It’s like having BFF necklaces, but so much better.
Overall, Fangirl Pixie Jar has something for everyone in your life, and there are even some steampunk pieces if you’re looking to really spice up your wardrobe!

And there’s something else to get excited about…we have a special 15% off code for Fangirl Pixie Jar! It’s MIDNIGHT15

You can see these and more over at Fangirl Pixie Jar’s shop HERE
Follow the store on Facebook HERE
Like them on Instagram HERE
See the rest of our product reviews HERE and check out our Outlander posts HERE!

book review, history, New Book, outlander, review

Droughtlander Reading List

Outlander is almost back and soon we’ll be able to watch, take in, dissect, and discuss each episode as they come. But there’s still a month before that and what if your kindle is a little light and your bookshelves are growing bare? I know that feeling and I’m here to help with some more of my favorite novels that Outlander fans might enjoy. To pick up any of these books, just click on the title to take you to their Amazon pages.

London by Edward Rutherfurd


This is for fans who miss stories that span the decades. This book follows London’s history from the ice age to the present day in the steps of several families. It’s great for history buffs who want some sex, action, and mystery in their reading. It’s a bit of a hefty undertaking, but my trusty paperback copy has been re-read so many times, I think it deserves top slot.

The Winter Sea by Susanna Kearsley


This is an author you’ve probably already heard about and one that Gabaldon actually likes as well. The Winter Sea is a novel about an author named Carrie who goes to Scotland to write a book about the Jacobites and finds out that she’s writing a true story, one that her ancestors lived, without even knowing it at first, in the form of waking dreams. There’s time travel of sorts, a touch of romance, a lot of history, and even more fun.

Into the Wilderness by Sara Donati


In 1792 a woman named Elizabeth finds herself unmarried at the age of 20 (gasp!) and moves from her comfortable estate to join her father in the mountains of New York. There she meets a man who lives among the Mohawk people and although her father tries to marry her off to a local doctor, Elizabeth is too headstrong to just sold off like a cow. Soon, she ends up at odds with the local slave owners, her family, and finds herself torn between the live she has the life she wants. Sounds a bit like Claire, doesn’t it?

A Rip in the Veil by Anna Belfrage


Somehow, a woman named Alex is thrown from 2002 to 1658 and into the path of a Scottish outlaw named Matthew. Both are confused by the occurrence, but when both of you are basically on the run, it’s easy to take up together. While Alex grieves the lost of coffee, showers, and cars, Matthew begins to grow on her, especially when they begin to try and find out how she ended up back in time. This one is a hit or miss for Outlander fans, who may not enjoy the “younger” voice of the heroine and compare it a bit too much to Gabaldon’s rousing series. But it’s a good read that I think deserves a shot.

My Name is Mary Sutter by Robin Oliveira


In the midst of the Civil War, midwife Mary isn’t okay with staying home in safety as the menfolk fight. She joins the wounded, using her skills to help where she can and learning the realities of war as she goes. She is refused traditional medical schooling, but that doesn’t stop her from getting the guidance of two trained surgeons. This is a story of heartbreak, the horrors of war, and the will to live and succeed when others want you to fail.

Wishing for a Highlander by Jessi Gage


Melanie is single, pregnant by a guy who ran away, and working in a museum when she daydreams about a hunky, kilted hero to save the day (don’t we all?). Then she’s pulled back in time and thrown into 16th century Scotland where people obviously thinks she a witch. Enter Darcy Keith, who finds himself drawn to the woman his people were about to try. Will Melanie long to return back to her own time, or be happy her wish literally came true?

The Forever Queen by Helen Hollick


Emma of Normandy is trapped in a loveless marriage to the King of England in 1002 and finds out that her husband is a terrible ruler. When the Vikings threaten their shores, Emma ends up having to take charge and defend her new home from invasion. But when her husband dies and the Viking king claims everything, Emma had a whole new world to battle with. This author marries the true accounts of Emma of Normandy with the touches of fiction that makes it a great read.

Waterfall by Lisa T Bergren


Along with her sister, Gabi spends every supper being shlepped around archeological sites with her parents. They’re at a dig in Tuscany when she places her hand on a hand print in an ancient tomb. Then, you guessed it, Gabi is thrown back in time and into the arms of handsome Italian knight Marcello. But Gabi’s sister Lia was also pushed back to Marcello’s time and it then lost. Now Gabi must try to survive in the past, fight through her feelings to a man she can never be with, find her sister, and a way home. Now, this is technically a teen book, but it makes for a nice, light read.

A Dance Through Time by Lynn Kurland


Modern day Elizabeth is a failed romance author who has been suffering from writers block. But then dreams come to her of a kilted hero who can save her from herself. She takes a walk in the park, falls asleep by accident, and wakes up in the 1300s. She finds herself in the presence of a feared Scottish lord who has never shown any interest in  women…until her. This is a traditional romance with a bit of action.

Transcendence by Shay Savage


Here’s one you didn’t expect…caveman romance! That’s right. A caveman is checking his traps one day and comes upon a woman wearing odd clothing and making noises he couldn’t understand. Yes, that woman was sent to the past and instead of a Scottie hottie, she got a caveman. But there’s still a love story and an ending readers all love.


That’s all for this list, but there’s more to see over on our Outlander page HERE!

And if you like all my Outlander posts, you’ll probably love my historical romance series. Set in Victorian England and Scotland and featuring two kilted men and the British woman who try to stay away, you can get Queen of Emeralds HERE and The Amethyst Bride HERE!


Have you ever heard of the WeeBox? It’s a subscription box from Scotland that’s filled with perfectly cultivated items to give you a taste of the Highlands. Well, they’ve gives us a special wee box to give to one of you! Click HERE for all the super easy and free ways to enter.
