outlander, television

Outlander Season 3- “Voyager” Hopes

This post had been up before, almost a year ago, but it seems like there are a lot of people here for a visit today! Let’s bring this oldie but goodie back for a final chat before season 3 begins!

Spoilers to the Max!

Caution: This contains Outlander season 3/Voyager Spoilers! Read no further if you haven’t read the the third Outlander series book!


Now that you’ve been warned, are you ready to talk about Voyager and what might come in season three of Outlander on Starz?


We give the show a lot of love, but thought it might be time to talk about the books this week on Outlander Saturday! Since Sarah hasn’t read past book two, I’m here to chat it up with you about my favorite parts in Voyager and what I’m looking forward to seeing in season three on television.

A final reminder, if you hate spoilers, don’t read any further.

♥Jamie’s return to Lallybroch


It’s going to be sad, seeing Jamie wounded and hiding in Dun Bonnet’s Cave for so many years with only a few books to keep him company. As you probably read on our Legends of Outlander post, there was a real-live man named James Fraser who hid in a care and was nicknamed Dun Bonnet by the cap he wore. Nice connection, Diana!I love seeing history come to life and see how things connect. Something I’m not too thrilled about seeing it when little Fergus get’s caught up in the traitor madness and looses his crafty little hand. I assume more than one tear shall be shed for our tiny adopted Fraser.

♥Friends Foreverrrrr


Y’all know that this relationship is one for the ages. I’m not saying it’s romantic, you know Jamie only has eternal eyes for Claire, but his friendship with Lord John Grey is going to be one of the cornerstones for the series, moving forward. Without Lord John Grey, Jamie’s time in prison, and his later reunion with his biological son, might never be possible. Although, it looks like they’re setting it up to be more romantic in the show than it was in the books, something I’m not really into, as I think their complicated friendship in the series was compelling and deep. I almost feel like making it sound like a torrid love affair, like in some other blog posts and news stories, cheapens their dynamic relationship. If only the show series could do a chapter an episode!

♥Meeting Geneva


This is going to be tough for all those who love Claire and Jamie. I’m going to be honest, I think Geneva is a grade A asshole. Blackmailing Jamie into sex was a low blow and the man’s life has been tough enough. I know I’ll have a rage stroke when she throws out the “bang me or I’ll scream rape” card. At least Jamie can see some joy in the terrible union by his son William grow for a few years. But seeing as how happy he was knowing Claire was pregnant when she left, It’ll be tough seeing him watch his child from afar.

♥Baby Jamie


Jamie and his interactions with his secret son is going to be interesting. Their sweet doings takes up a good chunk of book, and for good reason. We all read, and saw, how into being a father Jamie was when Claire was pregnant with Faith and how important it was for Claire to go back to Frank for the safety of their unborn child. It’s going to be bittersweet to see how young Willie sees a father figure in Jamie and Jamie longs to be close to a child he never thought he’d have, after Claire’s leaving. Their bond in the books might be hard to portray on screen, but Starz has done an awesome job, so far.

♥The Highlight of the Year


I know for a damn fact that I’m not the only person who ugly cried when Claire went through the stones and later learned that Jamie was alive all along. While I understand that she needed to go for her own safety, it’s like she’s still twenty years too late to their reunion. I’m already preparing myself for the Kim Kardashian-like sobs when she finally sees him in the print shop. I’m also dying to see how well Jamie aged. I’m guessing it’s like a fine, beautifully kilted, wine… although he’ll be unkilted for a lot of the season, and not always in the fun way. The fact that we’ll probably have to wait a few episodes for this glorious meeting adds a certain level of delicious suspense. At least it’ll be a smoother journey for Claire, as Roger and Bree help her get the cash and clothes necessary for a successful jaunt through time. Speaking of Roger and Bree, watching them say goodbye to Claire will be another depressing sight. But, hey, Claire did right by her kid and her promise to Jamie, so she deserves to have some Highlander goodness up in her petticoats.

♥The Scorned Second Wife


Dis Bitch is right. Ya’ll probably know that I feel Laoghaire is a dirty home wrecking hussy and no one deserves to get lumpy and gross in their old age more than her…well, except for Black Jack Randall… not that he lives long enough for that. Well, anyways, her coming out of the woodwork again to claim Jamie as her rightful husband is something I’m looking forward too. Like, I get how she saw Jamie as the one that got away but, damn girl, have some self respect! I wouldn’t tie myself for a man who was constantly wishing I was someone else, no matter how hot he was. BTW I’m all sour grapes on how Jenny lashes out at Claire and rats to Loaghaire, even thought Claire told her the potato-planting key to Lallybroch’s survival. I hope Loaghaire’s gun-toting dramatics are just as wild on the screen as they are on the page.

♥High Seas Misadventure


Poor Jamie can’t catch a break. He, along with Claire and Marsali, go to rescue Ian and he’s stuck vomiting with seasickness while Claire is basically kidnapped by the Porpoise, because the ocean has never been kind to Jamie. Like, universe, give the man a break! All he wants is to live the quiet life and plant some crops and make sweet love to his new found wife, not be held captive and taken towards prison. At least he’s conveniently shipwrecked near Claire. Small victories. I’m curious to see how this will play out since, in the book, their oceanic struggles is a large chunk of action.

♥The Return of Geillis


Gonna be real, I’m pumped for the return of Geillis. I know she’s a murderer, adulteress, and all around baddie, but I’m really excited to see her return in all her crazy glory. You have to admire her vicious tenacity and the way she unraveled thousands of years of legends and myths to learn about time travel. Sure, she could have gone around without human sacrifices, but I admire a bitch with flair. I mean, if she had really been killed before having her son, a certain green-eyed man wouldn’t be able to grace us with his presence! So, sacrifice away, you gloriously creepy time traveler, you!


Yeah, I know this isn’t every tasty morsel of Voyager goodness, only some of my personal favs. Tell me in the comments, what are you most excited for in season three? And for more Outlander fun, visit our Outlander Page HERE!

And if you love my Outlander articles, you’ll love my historical romance series that’s set in Victorian Scotland and England. It delves into the complicated world of the Scottish highlands as they reestablish themselves and the clan systems along with a heavy dose of romance. Book one, Queen of Emeralds, is available HERE while book two, The Amethyst Bride is available HERE!

And if you love fandom jewelry, head over to this new Etsy shop HERE for some great Outlander goodies! Use the special code MIDNIGHT15 for 15% off your order!

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The Ultimate ‘Voyager’ Book Quiz

Droughtlander will end soon, so you know what that means! Time to prepare for season three! And what better way to do that than to brush up on your Voyager knowledge with a handy little quiz? Now, if you haven’t read Voyager, this WILL contain spoilers!!! So keep track of your answers and good luck!


Aaaaaaand begin!


1.What shocking thing did Fergus arrange for Ian to do in Edinburgh?

  • Lose his virginity to a prostitute
  • Kill a man who wronged Claire
  • Confess his love to the daughter of an English officer
  • Steal gold for his passage to the Caribbean


2.What did Geillis collect while living in Rose Hall and have displayed for her guests?

  • African fertility idols
  • Portraits of Scottish monarchs
  • African voodoo books
  • Maps of Scotland


3.What flower does Claire bring when she visits baby Faith’s grave?

  • A pink tulip
  • A white rose
  • A pink daffodils
  • A purple rose


4.What stone did Jamie swallow and later show to Lord John Grey?

  • A sapphire
  • A ruby
  • A diamond
  • An amethyst


5.Whose dress does Marsali borrow to get married in?

  • Claire’s
  • Arabella’s
  • Ermenegilda’s
  • Mamasita’s


6.What was Frank singing in the shower one morning when Claire was tending to baby Brianna?

  • God Save the Queen
  • I Vow to Thee, My Country
  • Rule, Britannia
  • Old Brigade


7.What animal does Jamie say in an ill omen during childbirth?

  • Ravens
  • Cats in the house
  • Crows
  • Snakes in the kitchen


8.What street did Claire and Brianna live on in Boston?

  • Furey Street
  • Lake Way
  • Calliday Lane
  • Ceder Street


9.What was the name of Mr. Willoughby’s trained bird?

  • Li Wei
  • Ping An
  • Wang Li
  • Min Ping


10.What gift did Jamie give Claire to replace her pearl necklace?

  • A black coral fish pendent
  • A ruby on a black satin ribbon
  • A set of pearl drop earrings
  • A golden swan necklace


11.What Wizard of Oz character did Claire say Jamie resembled?

  • The Wizard
  • The Tin Man
  • The Scarecrow
  • The Lion


12.What does Ishmael say Scotsman sound like when they talk?

  • River water beating against rocks
  • Fighting dogs
  • Drunk Englishmen
  • Loud jungle birds


13.Who helped carry Jamie off the field at Culloden?

  • Ewan Cameron and Iain MacKinnon
  • Lord Melton and a British soldier
  • Hammish MacGregor and John MacTavish
  • He doesn’t know because he is unconscious


14.What happened to Reverend Archibald Campbell’s sister Margaret Campbell in Jamaica?

  • She was raped and left for dead by the British
  • She died of Typhus she caught from Geillis’s slaves
  • She left with the slaves when Rose Hall burned
  • She was taken back to Scotland by her brother


15.How many Boutons has Mother Hildegarde owned in her lifetime?

  • One
  • Sixteen
  • Fifteen
  • Three


16What wild animal did Ishmael and some other men save Claire from near the end of the book?

  • A crocodile
  • A boar
  • A Boa Constrictor
  • A Poisonous Sea Urchin


17.What does Claire say kills lice?

  • Washing your hair in vinegar
  • A sprinkle of fresh ginger
  • Soaking your scalp in sea water
  • Dried sea bird dropping mixed with rum


18.What was Jared’s plantation home in Jamaica Called?

  • The Sugar Bay Estate
  • The Sunset House
  • Blue Mountain House
  • The Sugar Cane Inn


19.Who told Claire that Jamie had a son, Willie?

  • Lord John
  • Laoghaire
  • Mr. Willoughby
  • Captain Jacobs


20.What did Mrs. Abernathy take from Jamie when he and Claire met her the first time?

  • A lock of his hair
  • A Picture of Brianna
  • A bag of Jacobite gold
  • A strip of bloodied plaid

That’s it! The quiz is over and all answers are FINAL! So check your answers with the answer key below and see how well you know Voyager.


1.Lose his Virginity 2. Fertility Idols 3. Pink Tulip 4. Sapphire 5. Ermenegilda’s

6. Rule Britannia 7. Ravens 8. Furey 9. Ping An 10. Black Coral Fish

11. The Cowardly Lion 12. Fighting Dogs 13. Ewan Cameron and Iain MacKinnon 14. Left with the slaves 15. Sixteen

16. Crocodile 17. Vinegar 18. The Blue Mountain House 19. Lord John 20. A Picture of Brianna

0-5 Right Answers


Well…it might be time to read Voyager again before season 3 comes out! But don’t worry, taking another trip with Jamie and Claire is hardly a punishment.

6-13 Right Answers


Someone’s been keeping up with the books! You’re doing really well at the little details and Jamie would be verra proud.

14-20 Right Answers


Wow! Either you’ve recently read Voyager or your Diana herself! Wait…DG, is that you??

That’s all for this installment of Outlander Saturday. We hope you’ve enjoyed this quiz and remember you can take the rest of our quizzes and read the rest of our Outlandish articles HERE!

And if you enjoy my posts, maybe you’ll enjoy my books. My historical romances, The Scottish Stone Series, is in full swing and ties history facts with the romance of the highlands. You can get Queen of Emeralds (book 1) HERE and The Amethyst Bride (book 2) HERE. But if contemporary is your fav, then check out my author page HERE to see all the fun!

history, New SHow, outlander, television

The History Behind “Voyager”

As we wait for season three of Outlander‘s TV show with bated breath, there’s never a better time to talk about book three in the series, Voyager. So, in this post, I’ll be discussing what real life events, people, places, and laws were brought into book three that we hope are mirrored in season three! And since I use any chance to use my history degree, this will contain some historically accurate spoilers. So if you hate spoilers, or want to read Voyager before the show airs, read no further! This is a spoiler filled post that takes no prisoners.


Dun Bonnet Cave

I’ve talked a bit about the use of this real life story before here, but let’s revisit it, as it will probably get some major screen time in season three.

So, there was a real life Scot named James Fraser, the 9th of Foyers, who joined Simon, Lord Lovat, on the battlefield of Culloden in support of Bonnie Prince Charles. Well, as we all know, those who fought for Charles were basically killed, imprisoned, shipped off to the colonies, or lost their lands. Well, James Fraser was having none of that, so he found a cave near the waterfall of Foyers, where he hid for seven years.

Luckily, his people were rather fond of him, and kept his whereabouts secret from the redcoats, calling him “Bonaid Odhair”, which means, “Dun Coloured Bonnet”. And the similarities to the Diana Gabaldon tale don’t end there! A young boy, who often brought supplies to James Fraser in the cave has his hand cut off when he was caught by the redcoats. Sorry, Fergus!


Scotland and Slavery


This is something that many people don’t know much about, but it means that many Americans who have some Scot in their family history could have ended up in the States after their ancestors were sent there in chains. Although many families did flee willingly once strict laws were enacted and famine and poverty hit Scotland. By the way, the use of the word “slavery” is still under historical debate. This is because the Scottish people deported by the British often had an end date to their sentence, unlike the African slaves who often lived their entire lives in cruel captivity.

Anyway, the British government wasn’t too pleased with the Scottish after the Jacobite Rebellions of 1715 and 1745. But what to do with all the able bodied men who might rise up again if given the chance? Easy, ship them to the colonies to work the farms! They can make money for the crown and be far away from their comrades in arms.

It’s said that 1,500 to 2,000 highland “convicts” were sent to the North American colonies or the Caribbean colonies every year after the 1715 rebellion. Mostly, they were given terms of three to seven years of hard labor on plantations, or other labor heavy jobs, to “work off their debt”, if they weren’t forced into servitude indefinitely. Some didn’t even gain their freedom until they fought for England in the American Revolution!

However, there were Scots who actively participated in the Slave trade who weren’t servants, but plantation overseers and paid workers. This is seen in Voyager as Kenneth MacIver, who was Jared’s overseer at his Jamaican plantation. While this is a dark part of Scottish history, it is part of history nonetheless. Some wealthy Scots, such as Colonel John Campbell from Inveraray, who owned one of the larger sugar plantations in Jamaica. Today, the Campbell name is widespread in Jamaica, although those Campbells may never know if they descended from owners, servants, or anything in between. There are also dozens of places within Jamaica that share the same names as places in Scotland, such as Culloden, Argyle, and St. Andrews.


Dress Act of 1746


On August 1, 1746 the wearing of “Highland Dress” was made illegal by the British crown. This included tartans, kilts, and shoulder belts. It was a way for the British to try and cut the ties that connected the members of the clans and seemed effective in breaking down some of the allegiances. What made it so effective was the harsh punishments that would be enacted if someone broke this law. For the first offense, the person would be imprisoned for six months and if they were caught again, they would be sent to the colonies and engage in hard labor for seven years.

The only Scots who could still wear the tartans were members of the British military, more notably in the Black Watch. The Black Watch was an infantry battalion that was originally made up of members from Clan Grant, Clan Campbell, Clan Fraser of Lovat, and Clan Munro. They were first tasked with keeping the highlands at bay by collecting weapons and policing for any signs of uprisings.

Use of the Dress Act can be seen in Voyager, when Jamie claimed a piece of green checked Mackenzie tartan that was found in the prison in order to save the skin of young Angus Mackenzie. For the offense of having this strip of plaid, he was sentenced to thirty lashes. This also means that we won’t be seeing many kilts or plaid this season.




So this is something that’s talked about a bit in book three and stuck out to me, as I’m a huge fan of this particular mythical creature. The Scottish refer to them as “maighdeann-mhara”, or “maidens of the sea”.

There are many legends that surround the selkies. They are said to live in the sea as seals, but sometimes come upon shore, shedding their seal skins and becoming beautiful women, or even men. If someone hides a selkie’s seal skin, they can take the selkie as a husband of wife, and they apparently make wonderful spouses. But, as in many Scottish tales, there is often an unhappy ending. A selkie never feels completely at ease on land, and if they ever find their hidden seal skin, they will return to the sea, never seeing their human husband or wife again.

We hear a lot about seals and a bit about selkies, called “silkies” in Voyager when it comes to the hidden gold on the seal’s island…and even Jamie’s own mother. Jamie tells Claire that people used to say that his mother Ellen had run away from Castle Leoch to join the silkies, because his father, Brian, resembled one who had shed his seal skin to walk on land.


Real Jacobite Gold


As we all know, the Jacobite treasure in Voyager was given by the French and hidden away. But there is some real Jacobite gold that some say is still hidden in Loch Arkaig in Scotland.

Two ships called Mars and Bellona came to Scotland with 1,200,000 livres of French and Spanish money.  But the ships heard about the Jacobite defeat at Culloden and ditched the seven cases of money at a port in Loch nan Uamh. One case was stolen by the MacDonalds and the seven others were secretly taken to Loch Arkaig by Murray of Boughton, who started giving money to the Scottish clan chiefs. But when Murray was captured by the British, the money was taken over by the chief of Clan Cameron and then by the head of Clan Macphearson. Macphearson spent much of his time hiding in a cave at Ben Adler…eight years of time, in fact.

Anyway, Charlie hightailed it out of Scotland and into France, leaving his money behind. But a failed king is no good to anyone and old Charlie was beginning to pine for his gold. But it, apparently, was never seen again. It’s assumed that Macphearson kept it all, but no one knows. It could still be hidden somewhere in Loch Arkaig.




When I started reading the series, I never thought that I would see a pirate ship in the distance. But as we’ve read, Young Ian is kidnapped off the coast of Scotland by a bunch of pirates aboard the Bruja, which is Spanish for “witch”. Long story short, the Bruja makes it to port in Barbados, and hands Ian, along with the Jacobite gold he was in the process of taking when he was captured, to Mrs. Abernathy. The ship is later destroyed, but the damage is done and they’ve brought the Frasers, inadvertently, to the Americas.

Piracy was slowing down in the 1760s, but was still an active thing in the Caribbean region. One notable Bermudian pirate was Samuel Hall Lord, who straight up plundered any and all ships that he crossed paths with, even swiping riches from stranded sailors. Hall was also a really smart guy. Outside his mansion, on the beach, he would hang lanterns so that unsuspecting ships would think it was the port and sail right into his clutches, wrecking themselves on the reefs. BTW, this pirate built himself a castle. Talk about flair.


Printing in Scotland


One of the most anticipated scenes in season three is the print shop scene. You know, where Claire finally finds Jamie again after 20…well, 200? 220? years have gone by and they’re finally reunited…it’s probably the part I’m looking forward to the most, but let’s take a peek at printing history in Scotland and get a feel for what Jamie was up to in Edinburgh.

In1507, Walter Chepman and Andrew Myllar were given the first royal license for printing in Scotland by James IV in Edinburgh. The first book ever printed via press was The first printed book from this press was The Complaint of the Black Knight by John Lydgate. While this seemed to be a success for them, printing wasn’t an instant hit in Scotland, with new presses being stationed in St. Andrews in 1552, another for a hot minute in Stirling in 1571, and another still in Aberdeen in 1622. After that, they became more widely spread.

The fist Scottish printers would have been trained in France, but as the practice grew, the Scots would have been left to their own devices. And by the 1760s, it didn’t get much easier, as the letters still needed to be set and inked by hand. To get an idea, here’s what Jamie’s printing press might look like…


Prostitution in Scotland


The brothel where Jamie does business, and often keeps a bed, is probably going to be a prime filming location in season three. But what would life have really been like behind the doors of Madame Jeanne’s establishment, you ask? Well, dear reader, let’s chat about the ladies of the night…

The the early and mid 1700’s was basically Scotland’s sexual revolution where prostitution was widespread and some of the best business and deals were made in the lounges and libraries of brothels. They weren’t as flashy as the French brothel we saw in season two, but the girls were kept clean, in good dresses, and as disease free as one can be in the 1700s. These establishments could be hidden down in alleyways or set right in the open in grand houses, while the local police turned a blind eye. I mean, it was such a favorite pastime of the wealthy Scottish that in 1775 James Tyler, a surgeon and editor at Encyclopaedia Britannica published Ranger’s Impartial List of the Ladies of Pleasure, which was basically a directory of all the brothels and their workers in Edinburgh.

Unfortunately, Scotland began to crack down on prostitution in the 1790s, with the girls being arrested on a regular basis and imprisoned. So, I hope Madame Jeane would have had a lot of money saved up for when the government started knocking on her door.


Rose Hall and the White Witch


This is a particular bit that I was eager to get to. I hope, very dearly, that they shoot on location for this one because the Rose Hall mansion is gorgeous! Anyway, we all know Rose Hall as being the home of Mrs. Abernathy AKA Geillis Duncan. Well, this manor home is a very real place, as is the ghost that haunts it.

Rose Hall is a Georgian Mansion in Jamaica, was built in the 1770s, and was owned by a John Palmer. It was a large estate that usually held about 250 slaves and dealt mostly in sugar. It stayed in the Palmer family for a bit, then went vacant and into disrepair, finally being revived in the 1960s.

As for the legend of the White Witch (which has unfortunately been revealed as nothing more than a story) it centered around Annie Palmer, John Palmer’s wife. Annie was basically raised by nannies who taught her voodoo and carried on her love of the dark arts into her marriages. Three husbands are said to have died at her hands, along with many innocent slaves. Remind you of anyone?


And Bonnie Prince Charlie


We can’t forget to talk about old charlie and what he did after Culloden…

Soooo during the Battle of Culloden, near the end, things weren’t going great. Basically, Charlie was ignoring the advice of commander Lord George Murray and just ordering whatever he wanted, which wasn’t going well. So Murray was basically like, “screw this, he doesn’t listen to a thing I say,” and drew his men back to attack from a different position. And Charlie, who again didn’t listen, finally noticed Murray was gone, he was like, “oh, Murray left? Well…I guess I’ll head out now,” and left the rest of the Jacobites on the field.

Even though the war was lost, the men never betrayed him to the British and helped him hide in the moors until he could escape the country. He finally did so when Flora MacDonald dressed him up as her maid, Betty Burke, and took him to the Isle of Skye, where a French Ship took him to the France. This is where the Sky Boat Song comes into play, although they leave out the dress and wig.

Prince Charles Edward Stewart as Betty Burke
Charlie as Betty

Losing Scotland drove him to drink and conduct affairs. He was known for being an abusive drunk to the women closest to him, causing all of them to leave, even his own wife.


That’s all for this Saturday! Remember to check back every week for some new Outlander goodness and click HERE to read all out past Droughtlander posts. And read the second part of History Behind Voyager HERE!


And if you’ve been following out journeys into publishing, you know that we’re really excited about our first ever published books! They’re currently available on Amazon, so take a look and see if you think our romance novels belong on your Kindle!

You can see more about my Scottish historical romance novel, Queen of Emeralds, and get it on Kindle, Kindle Unlimited, and in paperback HERE! And when you’re done Queen of Emeralds, The Amethyst Bride is next on the line, a steamy romantic drama with kilts, Gaelic, and tears that you can preorder HERE! Or if you’re into contemporaries, I have The Non-Disclosure Agreement, which you can get HERE!

You can also see Sarah’s first college contemporary romance novel, First Semester, and get it on Kindle, Kindle Unlimited, and paperback now HERE!

book review, outlander, Product Review

Season 3-Ready for a Voyage?

Morning! We hope you loved our review of the Scottish subscription box, WeeBox, and are now ready to get into some straight Outlander talk! But use caution: This contains Outlander season 3/Voyager Spoilers! Read no further if you haven’t read the the third Outlander series book!


Now that you’ve been warned, are you ready to talk about Voyager and what might come in season three of Outlander on Starz and what Sarah and Kelsey are looking forward to, plus where you can see some of the stars, besides what we mentioned in another post, which you can read here.


A final reminder, if you hate spoilers, don’t read any further!

Anyways, here’s Kelsey with some of her book-themed dreams, hopes, thoughts, and feelings before Sarah brings in her movie skills to tell you all about the new actors and actresses that are gracing the Outlander stage with their presence!

♥Jamie’s return to Lallybroch♥


It’s going to be sad, seeing Jamie wounded and hiding in Dun Bonnet’s Cave for so many years with only a few books to keep him company. As you probably read on our Legends of Outlander post, there was a real-live man named James Fraser who hid in a care and was nicknamed Dun Bonnet by the cap he wore. Nice connection, Diana!I love seeing history come to life and see how things connect. Something I’m not too thrilled about seeing it when little Fergus get’s caught up in the traitor madness and looses his crafty little hand. I assume more than one tear shall be shed for our tiny adopted Fraser.

♥Friends Foreverrrrr♥


The peculiar relationship between Jamie and Lord John Grey is something that I’m curious to see brought to life on the screen. I’m not saying it’s romantic, you know Jamie only has eternal eyes for Claire, but his friendship with Lord John Grey is going to be one of the cornerstones for the series moving forward. Without Lord John Grey, Jamie’s time in prison, and his later reunion with his biological son, might never be possible. Although, it looks like they’re setting it up to be more romantic in the show than it was in the books, something I’m not really into, as I think their complicated friendship in the series was compelling and deep. I almost feel like making it sound like a torrid love affair, like in some other blog posts and news stories, cheapens their dynamic relationship. If only the show series could do a chapter an episode!

♥Roger and Brianna help Claire Prepare♥


Okay, so A lot of people have a lot of thoughts about how Brianna was cast for the show, and honesty even I was expecting someone redder and taller, but the acting may surprise us in the coming season! But one thing I had a little bit of an issue with is how the show portrayed Brianna and Claire as not being close, like…at all. In the books I felt that there was much more warmth involved in their relationship that wasn’t represented on the show. However, Starz only has an hour an episode to work with, so I’m trying to ignore it, knowing that it’ll be impossible to ignore their true, loving, feelings as the show goes on. So I’m looking forward for Roger and Brianna to grow close as they help Claire prepare for her return to Jamie. I hope it’s just as touching as it was in the book! BTW, just so you know, we also have a lovely Claire dress guide here, so your clothes can be on point, and Sarah’s done a Claire hair tutorial, which is so easy, even I could do it.

♥Meeting Geneva♥


This is going to be tough for all those who love Claire and Jamie. I’m going to be honest, I think Geneva is a grade A asshole. Blackmailing Jamie into sex was a low blow and the man’s life has been tough enough. I know I’ll have a rage stroke when she throws out the “bang me or I’ll scream rape” card. At least Jamie can see some joy in the terrible union by his son William grow for a few years. But seeing as how happy he was knowing Claire was pregnant when she left, It’ll be tough seeing him watch his child from afar. There’s a lot of controversy surrounding this particular part of the series, with the word “rape” being used to describe both sides of the coupling. It’ll be interesting to see how the show addresses it. To cleanse the soul, let’s take a look back in time to when Jamie and Claire were #RelationshipGoals

♥Baby Jamie♥


Jamie and his interactions with his secret son is going to be bittersweet. Their doings takes up a good chunk of book, and for good reason. We all read, and saw, how into being a father Jamie was when Claire was pregnant with Faith and how important it was for Claire to go back to Frank for the safety of their unborn child. It’s going to be bittersweet to see how young Willie sees a father figure in Jamie and Jamie longs to be close to a child he never thought he’d have, after Claire’s leaving. Their bond in the books might be hard to portray on screen, but Starz has done an awesome job, so far. We know Jamie’s big heart is one of the things we all admire about him, and in care you need to be reminded of the other reasons, take a look at our other list here!

♥The Highlight of the Year♥


I know for a damn fact that I’m not the only person who ugly cried when Claire went through the stones and later learned that Jamie was alive all along. While I understand that she needed to go for her own safety, it’s like she’s still twenty years too late to their reunion. I’m already preparing myself for the Kim Kardashian-like sobs when she finally sees him in the print shop. I’m also dying to see how well Jamie aged. I’m guessing it’s like a fine, beautifully kilted, wine… although he’ll be unkilted for a lot of the season, and not always in the fun way. The fact that we’ll probably have to wait a few episodes for this glorious meeting adds a certain level of delicious suspense. At least it’ll be a smoother journey for Claire, as Roger and Bree help her get the cash and clothes necessary for a successful jaunt through time. Some people are salty that Claire left Brianna in the present to go into the past, saying she’s a bad mom, but Claire did right by her kid and her promise to Jamie, so she deserves to have some Highlander goodness up in her petticoats.

♥The Scorned Second Wife♥


Dis Bitch is right. Ya’ll probably know that I feel Laoghaire is a dirty home wrecking hussy and no one deserves to get lumpy and gross in their old age more than her…well, except for Black Jack Randall… not that he lives long enough for that. Well, anyways, her coming out of the woodwork again to claim Jamie as her rightful husband is something I’m looking forward to. Like, I get how she saw Jamie as the one that got away but, damn girl, have some self respect! I wouldn’t tie myself for a man who was constantly wishing I was someone else, no matter how hot he was. BTW I’m all sour grapes on how Jenny lashes out at Claire and rats to Loaghaire, even thought Claire told her the potato-planting key to Lallybroch’s survival. I hope Loaghaire’s gun-toting dramatics are just as wild on the screen as they are on the page.

♥High Seas Misadventure♥


Poor Jamie can’t catch a break. He, along with Claire and Marsali, go to rescue Ian and he’s stuck vomiting with seasickness while Claire is basically kidnapped by the Porpoise, because the ocean has never been kind to Jamie. Like, universe, give the man a break! All he wants is to live the quiet life and plant some crops and make sweet love to his new found wife, not be held captive and taken towards prison. At least he’s conveniently shipwrecked near Claire. Small victories. I’m curious to see how this will play out since, in the book, their oceanic struggles is a large chunk of action. Thankfully, Starz has brought Mr. Willoughby onto the scene, so poor Jamie will have some relief on the ship. Also, it’s said that the Outlander Starz crew will be using some of the same set used to film their pirate series Black Sails, which I highly recommend to people into high seas adventures, sex, romance, murder, mystery, history, and backstabbing.

♥The Return of Geillis♥


Gonna be real, I’m pumped for the return of Geillis. I know she’s a murderer, adulteress, and all around baddie, but I’m really excited to see her return in all her crazy glory. You have to admire her vicious tenacity and the way she unraveled thousands of years of legends and myths to learn about time travel. Sure, she could have gone around without human sacrifices, but I admire a bitch with flair. I mean, if she had really been killed before having her son, a certain green-eyed man wouldn’t be able to grace us with his presence (lookin’ at you, Roger, you silver-tongued songster)! It’ll be neat to see the witch we love to hate back on the screen.

♥The British Scorch of the Highlands♥


After the failed Jacobite uprising, England took measures to ensure the Scottish would never rise again. They passed the Heritable Jurisdictions Act of 1746 that outlawed the Scottish chief system, hoping that by removing those men from their places of power, the people would be more accepting of full English rule. The Act of Proscription of 1746 was also put into effect, which outlawed all highland dress (see ya later, kilts) in the Dress Act. This took away a large part of the clan identity, which is exactly what the British wanted. If you were caught wearing a kilt after 1746 you could be fined, imprisoned, or even sent to the British colonies for “indentured servitude”, which was just a fancy term for “slavery”. It explains why the kilts of the previous seasons will be lost for a while and not make any sort of comeback for some time. As a history-lover, I’m curious to see how these real life restrictions will come about on the show. Now…let’s have a moment of silence for the glorious kilt.


BTW, if you’re interested in learning more about the Clans, and how they fared after the Jacobite rebellion, take a look at our Outlander page here and read up on Outlandish Clan History parts 1-5!

Sarah’s Thoughts

Now, I am here to help keep Kelsey honest lol. No, I read the books up to what’s been shown on TV to keep the spoilers at bay, so I have not read Voyager yet. My fingers are itching and I can’t wait to start, though. So I get excited about other things…like actors.

As much as I try to avoid spoilers, it is nearly impossible. As a result, I know about Jamie’s other daughter, the “Other Fraser” (Ten points if you get this reference). But what really excited me is the casting! Lauren Lyle and Nell Hudson look so alike its scary!


Perfect casting right? It almost makes you not want to hate Laoghaire…almost.

Okay, we’ll talk about one more kid. Young Ian. I also know who this is, Jenny and Ian’s son but that’s all I know. However, I am a HUGE Jenny fan so I am excited to see the craziness her spawn will likely cause. Plus, he looks like a little Jamie (sorry Ian). It’s alright for a kid to look like his uncle though. In fact, I think it is going to seriously help his future! So, let’s say ‘hello’ to John Bell!


Alright, let’s get into the big one…John Grey. Now, I know he and Jamie are supposed to be friends, but again, that’s all I know. I have heard the rumors that their bromance may be turned into a romance. All I have to say is, where is Jamie going to find the time to do that? Doesn’t he have enough going on with all the needy women in his life? I think it’s all hype to keep people interested and talking about the show while we’re waiting not so patiently for it to start. However, I will say I am terribly upset with the casting of David Berry! Uh! Did we really need another sexy man on the show? Okay, totally joking. He is a nice piece of eye candy and I definitely can’t wait to see his strutting across my BIG screen TV.


I love a man in a suit!

Now let’s here it for Fergus! Everyone’s favorite trouble maker is all grown up and lookin finnnneeeee. I’m happy to see he’s still around and even more excited to see where his character goes from here. The hand thing… yeah, that’s going to be interesting. I almost wish they could pull a Hunger Games and pretend like that bit never happened. But, I don’t think it’s going to take our man too long to get his good hand into plenty of trouble. Let’s hear it for César Domboy!


How about Joe Abernathy? I know he’s a doctor with Claire and he knows about time travel, so that is going to be a whole lot of fun. Mostly because I looked at Wil Johnson’s photos, and he takes a good picture! He has one of those stares that just bores into your soul and leaves you questioning everything in your life!


So, what are you looking forward to in season 3?  Are you a fan of the new cast members? Let us know in the comments! BTW, if you’re a fan of Scotland, check out the WeeBox here! It’s a subscription box filled with all sorts of fun Scottish items worthy of ever Sassenach♥ And don’t forget to check out our Outlander page to fill up the bitter droughtlander!

Sarah and Kelsey both have books out now, so if you like their posts, you’ll probably love their books! First Semester is a thrilling college romance that you can get HERE. Queen of Emeralds is a historic romance set in the highlands that you can get HERE.

book review, outlander

Why Jamie Should Be Your Book Boyfriend

James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser, you beautiful man, you. I know you all can appreciate how, if the magic of the standing stones were real, and I wasn’t a married mother, I’d be off on a Scottish adventure to meet my kilted soulmate. But, since we all can’t be as lucky as Claire, we mere mortals must settle for him being our book boyfriend husband. Yes, husband, because Jamie Fraser is the marrying kind.

BTW this post covers topics that are seen in season 1 and 2 of Outlander on Starz, so unless you haven’t finished watching the show, don’t worry about spoilers.

♥He’s a skilled lover


Jamie is that special kind of man who saved himself for marriage and still managed to surprise his wife with his carnal prowess. Since this was decades before Google and the search term “how to please a woman”, it seems he is a special breed where good sex comes naturally. There won’t be any awkward fumbling, just glorious lovemaking.

♥And the lovin’ never quits


For Jamie, the honeymoon period never ends. Jamie will never say he has a headache, or tell you to shush because the game is on. He’s down to bone anywhere, anytime, any place, and will make you feel like the most beautiful woman in the world, even in a time before bathing daily was a thing. You can be confident that he’ll still be ready to go when you’re both old and grey. Talk about long-term potential.

♥He takes his family seriously


If there’s one thing Jamie knows, it’s the importance of family. Hell, he took a major lashing from Black Jack Randall to protect his sister. He also worked hard to ensure his estate stayed in his family so they could keep their lands and home. Oh, and did I mention he basically saved Claire’s life by sending her back to her own time at the expense of losing her forever? No matter what, you can ensure this guy will put you, and yours, first.

♥He’ll never judge you


Jamie is a secret keeper and all he wants is the trust and love of his main lady. He doesn’t care if you’ve made some bad decisions, or have a cloudy past. He will believe in you and support you no matter what. Hell, he believed Claire when she told him she was a time traveler because he’s just a great dude.

♥He’s one handsome man


His form is so nice, I gif’ed him twice. Just…look at him. Take in the glorious package that his amazingness is wrapped up in and weep that you weren’t born two hundred years earlier. He’s got the body, the hair, the smile, the eyes, the everything to make him more than perfect to take to your high school reunion. “Like, okay Janice, I’m glad you’re the CEO of Microsoft, now, but while you’re buried under spreadsheets in the office, I’m buried under this guy in a field of Scottish heather.” Winning.

♥He’ll make you laugh


Let’s be real, Jamie has the jokes in the show, and on the page. His humor will carry you through the trying times in your marriage and help you keep the laughs going when all seems bleak. Not to say he isn’t serious when he wants to be, but his sharp wit is usually perfectly timed.

♥He’ll go to bat for you


Walking home from work and a cat-caller starts getting mouthy? Jamie’s there to defend your honor. You’re out with the girls and someone tries to spike your drink? Jamie’s not about to let him get away with it. Someone breaks in and tries stealing your grandma’s tea set? Wrong house, buddy, this is where Jamie lives. You get kidnapped by a crazy British soldier? Say no more because Jamie is about to wage war.

♥He’s a man’s man


Jamie will ride horseback though the mountains in the rain while wielding a broadsword with his latest kill strung up behind him for your dinner in the home he built with his own hands, after which he’ll ravish you on the floor beside the roaring fire that is fed by the wood he chopped himself. Yes, please.

♥But he is true to his emotions


While he can be a pillar of support, he is also man enough to be real about his feelings when he’s ready to. If he’s mad at you, he won’t play games. Jamie will come right out with it. If something scares him, he’ll be honest with his fears and will allow you to console him. If he’s excited about something, prepare to be swept up in his happiness. Overall, he’s really a true partner.

♥He’s always faithful


While some men may be downright dirty dogs, Jamie only has eyes for his wife. He takes his wedding vows seriously and no manner of French harlot can make this hot Scot cheat. Wouldn’t it be nice to know that no matter what happens, your guy will always come home to you?

♥He will never take you for granted


You’re a gosh-darn catch, and Jamie can see that. He knows how to appreciate a good woman, and knows that he should treat her well. Jamie loves your messy morning hair, your important work, and the way you tell him to shove it when it needs to be shoved. He’ll support your dreams, fight your fears, do whatever it takes to keep you safe, and give you some good, old fashioned, kilted loving.

Now that we’ve given you some reasons to join the Fraser clan, tell us why Jamie is your favorite book guy. And, as always, join us for Outlander Saturdays every week!

Sarah and I both have books out now, so if you like our posts, you’ll probably love our books! First Semester is a thrilling college romance that you can get HERE. Queen of Emeralds is a historic romance set in the highlands that you can get HERE.



The Legends of “Outlander”

Hello, fellow Outlander-ites! We’re going to get a bit old-school today and talk about some of the the myths and legends explored in the Outlander series. Diana Gabaldon is basically a genius and has tied together so many facts and folk stories that there have been entire books written about them. So, here are just a few of the things that went into Outlander.

CAUTION: unless you’ve read and finished the books, this WILL contain spoilers for season three, and beyond.



Changelings are a common theme in many areas of the world, but in Scotland they take the place of human children. Why? Many legends say many things, but most commonly, a beautiful newborn would be taken to be raised among the faeries, or wee folk, and “replaced” with a frail and irksome child. It was said that an elderly faery had taken their place to be nurtured in its old age until it died. This myth was perpetuated by “cradle death” and other common miladies that would often claim the lives of young children.

If a parent suspected their true child had been taken, there were several ways of getting their baby back. However, some weren’t exactly pleasant. In fact, watchers and readers may remember when Claire came upon a sickly newborn in the woods who died. Leaving suspected wee folk in the forest was thought to confuse them, as they would be back in their natural habitat, leaving the mother to watch for their real child’s return. Another way was holding the baby underwater or holding it over a fire. Claire would not approve.

The Loch Ness Monster


You’ve all probably heard the story of the Loch Ness Monster, but it goes deeper than just “big ass lizard in a lake”. While tales of water beasts have been around forever, this one begins in the year 565 when Saint Columba banishes a monster in the River Ness by making the sign of the cross. That was big news, and the sightings continued, until the monster apparently decided to frolic about in front of random people in 1933. There are several documented sightings that became massive news and, from those accounts, Nessie was born.

As readers might remember, Claire comes in contact with Nessie. She’s washing up on the shore of Loch Ness when she sees a “water horse” and can’t believe her eyes. But the creature is gone as swiftly as it comes. Later, she muses that she really saw a plesiosaur who had come, and gone, from the lake through a time portal, just as she had. That’s one theory that actually makes sense when you’re thinking about how a dinosaur has been paddling about for years.

Dames Blanches


These mythical French witches, or sometimes ghosts, are placed among the faerie folk and aren’t known for being all that nice. It’s said that they lurk in alleyways, ravines, and bridges, trying to trap travelers. They ask the humans to dance for them or answer riddles. If the traveler complies, they are allowed to pass. If not, they’re usually killed by being thrown off a cliff or by being tormented by the witch’s familiars. It’s also said that these women have the ability to sense impending death, and sometimes bring it.

As anyone familiar with the show or the books knows, Jamie starts the rumor that Claire is the dangerous La Dame Blanche in order to protect her and explain why he doesn’t take part in the shenanigans at the whore house. The fact that she’s privy to modern medicinal practices, and is quite the actress, the rumor saves her skin on more than one occasion.

Dun Bonnet of Foyers


Remember all those spoilers I warned you about? Well, here they are in all their glory. Diana Gabaldon has done it again, she’s spun true history into her book by bringing forth the history of a man named James Fraser, really, like an actual living man. So, this James Fraser, 9th of Foyers survives the Battle of Culloden and hides for seven years in a hidden cave that you can actually visit. Anyways, he is kept alive by the people of Foyers and is called “Dun Bonnet”, as to not give away that James Fraser survived. Many people helped Fraser those seven years, including a young boy who refused to tell where his master was hidden and lost his hands as a result.

Readers, do you have chills? I know I do. Those familiar with Voyager will recognize that story as the basis for our beloved Jamie Fraser’s tale. Long story short, in the series, Jamie escapes the Battle of Culloden, hides in a cave near Lallybroch for seven years, is called “Dun Bonnet”, gets bored of reading the same books over and over, and is served by a young boy (Fergus) who loses his hand in service to his lord. Let’s all have a moment of silence for Furgus’s hand.

 Standing Stones


Unfortunately, Craigh na Dun doesn’t exist, so there will be no time traveling Scottish adventures in our futures-or pasts. But, the Callanish Stones in Lewish, Scotland stand in for the TV version we all love. It’s not certain what these particular stones were for, although it’s been guessed that it was for lunar observing. In folklore, the stones are petrified giants who turned away from Christianity, or it is a gateway for a mythical being who often walks between the rocks. Nothing about time travel in regards any Scottish standing stones.

But, obviously, you know what’s up in Outlander; many of the standing stones have the capability to send certain people through time, under uncertain circumstances. In the books, and probably in the television series, there are other circles and portals all around the world and more than one traveler has gotten lost like Claire. There’s a tale in the book about time travelers that is more eloquently translated by Jamie on TV: “Now this one is about a man out late on a fairy hill on the Eve of Samhain who hears the sound of a woman singing sad and plaintive from the very rocks of the hill. ‘I am a woman of Balnain. The folk have stolen me over again, ‘the stones seemed to say. ‘I stood upon the hill, and wind did rise, and the sound of thunder rolled across the land. I placed my hands upon the tallest stone and traveled to a far, distant land where I lived for a time among strangers who became lovers and friends. But one day, I saw the moon came out and the wind rose once more. So I touched the stones and traveled back to my own land and took up again with the man I had left behind.” Sound familiar?

Tell us, whats your favorite legend?

Read about Kelsey’s historical and contemporary romances here and Sarah’s contemporary romance here!
